
Friday, November 19, 2010

It's A Respite Weekend

Oh boy am I pooped. I feel like I have run the marathon. Well okay, maybe that is a slight exaggeration but I am pooped and all I did was drive Brodie to his respite house 41km (about 25.5 miles) away. I guess it was due to the fact it was warm in the car and it makes me feel a bit tired. An 8o+ km trip does that to me these days *yawn*

At least Brodie made it to his respite house where he will stay until some time on Sunday when I go pick him up. I guess it depends on when he gets tired of being there and wishes to come home. I am sure we all needed this break.

Now Mark, Angus & I need to decide what we will be doing tonight as far as dinner is concerned. Angus wants hot chips (again) and I think Mark does too. As long as Mark goes to pick it up I don't mind but I will make a small salad to go with it.

Angus & I will snuggle together on the couch tonight to watch Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade. Our favourite Indy movie EVER! Almost like a date! :)


  1. Great for a nice upcoming weekend. My question though, is about the hot chips. What are they?! Potatoes?! I'm confused....which happens to me occasionally ANYWAY, but this time it's legitimate! LOL

  2. Poetess, you're right hot chips are potatoes. Just think of them as fat french fries.
