
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dear Mum

Dear Mum,
I wonder if you ever realised what a special person you were. I wonder if you knew that you would be missed so much. You were the glue that held the family together. We haven't been quite the same once you'd gone.

You would be so proud of the boys. They've changed so much over the last ten years. Gosh you might not even recognise them now. Brodie is becoming a man that I hope you would be pleased to know, although there are some things we still need to work on. You didn't know that he had Aspergers Syndrome but I don't think his having a label would've made any difference to you. You would've loved him just as much.
Angus has eyes just like yours and mine, Mum. They sparkle when he is up to mischief just like yours did. Gosh he was only in kindy when you left us. You would marvel at how much he has grown. I am sure you would like the teenager he's turned into. He can be so caring and sweet. Although I am sure that there would be times when you would tell both of the boys off for being such butt heads (and probably me as well).

I can't believe that today marks the 10th year since you passed away. There have been many times when I wished I could just pick up the phone to tell you something or even just to ask for your advice. I've had a tough few years when Brodie started High School and I needed you more than ever. I hope you're happy with how I handled things. I know there have been times when I am sure you would have just shook your head and told me how silly I was.

I often wonder if you would be proud of how we have grown over the years, of how we coped with the challenges that we have faced. Sometimes I felt that you were watching over us either wishing to scold us or joining in with out laughter.

I miss walking out of my home and walking up the street to your place. I miss our chats over cups of coffee. I miss playing card games or scrabble with you. But most of all I miss you. Perhaps one day, when the time is right, we'll be together again.

your baby girl


  1. What a sweet letter. I truly believe she knows all these things and is very proud of you and your family. And she probably has smiled and shook her head at you. A mother's love knows no boundaries.

  2. Oh Joanne, what a sweet letter. Made me a little teary...This would have been the perfect letter for our "say what you need to say" day. I can tell you miss her a lot. Maybe I'll get to meet her in the future. :-)

  3. Thank you Beverly and Poetess :)
    Sorry to make you a bit teary. You should've seen me crying as I typed it. I was almost not going to post my letter but then I thought I've come this far with it I may as well hit publish.
