
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Who's That Knocking At My Door?

It was the postman! YAY for the postie & YAY for the parcels that he delivers!! I hadn't told you about the things that I had ordered over the past few days. You gotta love ebay! Some of the parcels started arriving yesterday.

Our server stopped working properly last week. It didn't recognise that there were two hard drives in it. I can tell you that we were bitterly disappointed because all stuff was stored on it. We didn't lose it all, well we didn't lose much at all really because I am lucky enough to have a 1 TB hard drive on my computer and everything was saved there. I hadn't deleted anything that we had transferred to the server.
Anyway, I bought, get this a 2 TB hard drive from ebay last week. It was even cheaper than the 1TB I bought for my computer! Mark started setting up the server again yesterday afternoon. Last night I began to transfer things over to it. Although it is giving me the pips because my computer keeps freezing after a while & I need to restart.

We also had a smoothwall running but we stopped using it due to the fact that it can slow our connection speed. Not only that we were hosting my incredimail website from home & since the server crashed my site was down (and it still currently is down - sorry) Thankfully all of my IMF files are over in my yahoo group for people to snag from there. Only problem with that is there are no previews.

So with our smoothwall (smoothie for short) not in use we no longer had a computer to cache all the sites that we all frequently visited. Which of course meant that our bandwidth usage increased. With this in mind Mark & I decided that it was a good idea to reset smoothie but there was a problem. The CD ROM died. Ebay to the rescue again. I bought one to replace the broken one.
I swear I am honestly getting tired of buying things that keep breaking down. I should just be grateful that I have the funds to do this and that I don't break the budget every week!

Ok, [insert brain freeze] here from getting side-tracked!

Also bought on ebay this past week was an Android Tablet for Brodie. He paid with it with his own money but since I am his 'finance manager' for want of a better term I bought it through my account. Since he isn't very reliable with money (& the fact he is under age) his pay gets placed into my bank account and I keep very detailed records of how his money is spent. Just in case Centrelink ever want to know where his money goes.

Brodie's tablet arrived yesterday and he is over the moon with it. Especially since he has broken his toughbook! Even though his laptop is a toughbook it is NOT Brodie-proof! The inverter has gone kaput so I've had to order a new one for him. Something else from ebay! It's coming from the US so it might a be a while before it gets here.

So you can see that I love my postie for bringing me all of these wonderful things. I'm just hoping that nothing else breaks. Ooops I've probably jinxed myself now.

**using those particular words for the title had me singing the Men At Work song Who Can It Be Now as I typed. I loved that song as a teen :)


  1. ah you had me singing that song too!!!

    We are waiting on some nice packages in the mail too.. sounds like it is new gadget time all round!

  2. It was kind of catchy Kate. There is nothing like getting a 'parcel in the post' (Oh no not another song going on in my head! This time its a kids song! argghhHH)

  3. Yep! I love that song too!! And YAY for deliveries by the postman!! ^_^

  4. Yes, I love my postie! I'm keeping him in a job this week :)
