
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Silent Saturday

Goodness it is SOOOOOO quiet in my place. Well it was until Angus started singing, which isn't a bad thing really. Angus & I are the only ones at home at the moment. We're having a day all to ourselves!

Mark left super early this morning. In fact I didn't even hear him start the motorbike. Mark's going to be a marshal for the MRA Cranbourne GP Run in the lead up to the Moto GP on Phillip Island. It's been quite a few years since he's done that. To be honest it will do him some good to get out of the house. He hardly goes anywhere these days. He's become a real home body!!

Brodie is off to the Armageddon Expo in Melbourne. He caught the train in to Melbourne with a friend from school. He hates travelling on his own & thankfully there were a few kids he knows going so he went with one of them. I'm kind of jealous that he's going. I mean Angus & I could've gone with him but I want him to learn to be more independent, travel on the train & do things on his own. If I keep accompanying him he wont learn .. so... the sacrifices I make as a Mum :P Techinically he isn't on his own he has a school friend (or two) with him. Who would want a parent with them when you have other teens with you?

Angus & I dropped Brodie off at the train station this morning in the next town. That way we could head off to McDonalds to get a couple of bacon & egg muffins for brekky! Nom Nom, they tasted so good!
We also went to the local market today. There were hardly any stalls. You'd be lucky if there was 6-8 stalls all up. I'm thinking that the stall holders were somewhere near Phillip Island. After all that is where I would be if I was selling stuff. The crowds would be HUGE and you would make a packet of money today! Oh well there is always next month.


PoetessWug said...

Good for you and Angus!! Quiet time is always nice...although I wish I could be there somewhere near Phillip Island with all of my crocheted items, making a packet of money!!! ^_^

Jo-anne Blossy said...

You would love to be near Phillip Island. Its so pretty down that way. I am sure that with your crocheted goodies you would have sold quite a lot this weekend.