
Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I've been shopping on ebay again! What can I say I love the bargains that I am able to find there :)
I usually go for the buy it now as I don't really like losing in an auction but I actually won an item last night! I won a Jean Greenhowe book, The MacScarecrow Clan for $1.75. It cost more than that for postage. I just love Jeans patterns. Eventually I would like to get all of her books.

I also got another Jean Greenhowe Christmas book .. as a buy it now of course. Its coming from England but buying it from there is around $5 cheaper than if I bought it from my local yarn shop or even from Spotlight.
I know what I'll be doing as soon as these books arrive ... I'll be making sure I have enough yarn to make all of them.. any excuse to go shopping and adding to my stash!


  1. I love Jean's books too and have been considering buying a few so I can make the lovely dolls

  2. You should treat yourself :)
    The dolls always look great once you've finished making them. Her patterns are really easy to follow.
