
Monday, October 11, 2010

Pen Pals

I had a couple of pen pals when I was growing up. Sadly I am no longer in contact with them but it really was great getting to know someone who lived on the other side of the planet. It made the world seem like a smaller place.

When I was in primary school my pen pal was from New England and her name was Diane. I don't remember an awful lot about her which is sad but I do remember that I loved writing to her. I'm not totally sure how we became pen friends but I have a feeling it was something to do with Possum Pages, a kids section in the Sunday paper. We lost contact after she moved house. I still think its pretty cool that I remember her considering my memory isn't always at its best.

My other pen pal was a Civil Engineer from Poland. I was in college when I began corresponding with her. For the life of me I cannot recall her name :( Sorry. Just call me an airhead! Although a few months ago while I was tidying up I did find the pretty purple folder where I kept her letters and postcards that she had sent. I put the folder in a safe place. So safe that I can't find it again. Remind me to tell you about my teaching diploma and how safe that is!

Anyway, I remember it became an important thing between us, this postcard swapping. Each new place we went to we would grab a postcard or two to sent to one another. I kept a list of where I went (its in the folder) and I tried to make sure that there were some cute Australian animals on them. I'm not sure why we stopped writing to one another. Perhaps it was because we moved. Who knows.

These days having a pen pal is so much easier, at least it seems that way to me. Especially with computers so readily available & being able to send an email or two is a lot faster and instantly gratifying. But there is nothing like getting a letter or a parcel delivered to your door. I can certainly uplift your whole day!

Did you have a pen pal when you were growing up? Do you have one now? I would love to hear about them.


  1. How nice to hear about your pen pals!...I never had an official 'PenPal'. Everyone I ever write a pen pal!! ;-) I can tell you that I have ALWAYS been a good letter writer! I never received a letter that I didn't answer or a card that I didn't acknowledge in one way or the other. Emails?! Different story. I don't have TIME to answer all of them!! :-) And I agree with you whole-heartedly about a parcel or letter in the post box that you can touch, smell, and re-read whenever you want. There's nothing like it!!!

  2. Poetess, another thing you & I have in common. I always do my best to acknowledge the sender of a card or a letter. To me its just common courtesy to say thank you :)
