
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 30 - 30 Day Meme

Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

Gosh another photo of me! I HATE having my picture taken! I look old & red & fat! That's why I only do head shots :P Please take note that this may be the LAST picture taken of me for quite some time!

I had such a hard time trying to work out three good things that have happened in the past 30 days. I always feel like I am put on the spot when I need to think of something like this. It almost makes me feel like a rabbit blinded by a spotlight.

Okay ... three good things that happened ....
  • The kids went on school holidays & we could sleep in!!!
  • We had a couple of really good family days together during the school hols
  • I was able to go on a DATE with Angus to the movies.
Gosh I can't believe that the past thirty days has gone by so quickly! I must admit though it was fun (for the most part) to complete these daily tasks. Although I have my next meme list lined up already I am not sure about completing them on a daily basis. Mainly because they are very similar to this challenge that I just completed. Who knows .. we'll see if I get stuck for posts ...


  1. Your picture looks fine!! At least you're brave enough to take a recent one. I've been only brave enough to show older photos of me!! ^_^ And Yay! for dates!! I have a Friday Date Night with the hubby every week. It's a good thing that happens!...And I don't think you'll get stuck for posts at all!! :-)

  2. Thank you. I took about 6 pictures over all. This was the first one I took and funnily enough it was the first one I actually liked.

    Perhaps one day you'll share a more recent pic of yourself. You'll have that perfect photo and say hey I'm sharing that!

  3. The pic of you was fine! Stop being so hard on yourself. Your hair was combed. Good enough.
    As for the three good things, I think those are great. Love that you went on a DATE...woohoo!

  4. Thank you Sandra, you're right my hair was combed :D
