
Thursday, October 07, 2010

Day 27 - 30 Day Meme

Day 27 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?

This was taken a couple of years ago & I had completely forgotten I had this until I was rummaging through some of the photos that I have on my computer.
Trip (our three-legged cat) was giving me loving smooches that day!

Oh Man when did I get to look so OLD?! I didn't want to share a picture of my whole face :P I hate having my photo taken ... this is as good as it gets

Let's see how have I changed .. well I am a bit older now. Perhaps a little wiser too. Gosh I don't know how I have changed. All I notice in the photos is how RED my skin is. Sometimes I hate having psoriasis. Now you can see why I don't like having my photo taken! Yuck! I was thinking about 'fixing' the photos before uploading them but I didn't. Maybe next time lol
Even though I complain about my psoriasis I have to say that since the first photo was taken my skin has improved dramatically.

How much have you changed in the last 12 months?


  1. Oh Joanne, You look great to me!! And the photo doesn't look red at all! You're suppose to be rosy-cheeked, aren't you?! :-) As to me, my changes over the last year have been mentally great, and in every other way...not so great because of my health issues. The really good thing I've found out about myself though is that thanks to my God Jehovah I am much stronger than I thought I was!!! And that's really good to know because who knows what tomorrow will bring!! :-)

  2. Thank you. I never thought of the rosy cheeks. But once you mentioned it I had the Happy little vegemite song playing in my head. The song mentions that vegemite puts a rose in every cheek. I don't know if you know about vegemite but is a spread that just about every Aussie eats.

    I know what you mean about the body & health issues. Seems my body knows its getting older but my brain just wont accept it!

  3. And yes, I've heard of vegemite...but not good things I'm afraid!!! ^_^
