
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Test Results

I finally remembered to call the Practice Nurse at our clinic to get the results of the boys blood tests. It only too me over a week to remember to get Brodie's results o_O
There is only a one hour window each day to make calls to the nurse to get results and I would often remember an hour or two too late.

Brodie's results for his tegretol level were fine & in the therapeutic range. So that is ALL good. He's still had the facial pain but only once since his medication was increased. Well only one that I know of at any rate.

Angus's results were good. Liver function, blood sugar levels, haemoglobin were all within normal ranges. He did however have high cholesterol (5.7) and for a child his age it should be 4.5 or less. It surprised me really. I never expected any of the results to come back as anything other than normal.

For now I have Angus using the same cholesterol lowing margarine that Mark is using. I don't know if I can rethink how I cook things. I don't fry food in fat. I use cooking spray or olive oil and dry fry. I have a health grill that allows the fat in foods to drain away. I don't know how I am going to change what I already do to make our diet better.

Do you have any ideas? I'm at a bit of a loss.


  1. I'm glad for you that most everything was fine with the tests. As to the cholesterol, don't forget that sometimes cholesterol doesn't have anything to do with how you're cooking. Sometimes it has to do with the body's working mechanism. So, just keep doing your best. Don't put too much guilt on yourself. Just keep a diligent eye on it and do your best.

  2. Thanks Poetess I never thought of it that way.
    I'm still hoping that this margarine will help lower his cholesterol. I know its helped Mark since he started using it.
