
Monday, September 27, 2010

Meet Me On Monday 16th Edition

hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old


1. How many TV’s do you have in your home?
2. What is on your bedside table?
3. How many pair of shoes do you own?
4. Can you change a flat tire?
5. Do you like sweet treats or salty treats?

1. How many TV’s do you have in your home?
We have four TV's (bedrooms, lounge room & the shed) plus I can use my computer as a TV.

2. What is on your bedside table?
Dust & lots of it! Well apart from that I have clock radio, half a dozen novels, my night time meds, a lamp, a box of tissues and one of my tube of ointment for my psoriasis.

3. How many pair of shoes do you own?
I'm not a real girly girl when it comes to shoes. I have about 5 pair not including my slippers.

4. Can you change a flat tire?
Yes I can change a tyre (my Dad taught me how to do that years ago) but No I've never really had to. Knock on wood, so far I have always had a strapping young man help me out with a flat.

5. Do you like sweet treats or salty treats?
I kind of like both but it really depends on my mood.


  1. I'm finding that we have a lot of things in common. I'm sure it's not EVERYTHING, but I have 4 TVs, some dust on my bedside table, I can fix a flat tire (My dad, a mechanic, taught me how), and I like salty and sweet treats, depending on my mood! But where we differ is the SHOES!!! I'm definitely a girlie girl!! I have at least ^$%*&^$ MANY PAIR!! Ha! Ha! In all shapes and colors, and some...even in different sizes!! (I can squeeze my hoofs in anything for a good enough sale! LOL)...Are you sure we're not related?!! :-)

  2. You know Poetess you could be right. We may be related :)

  3. Hi there. I am your newest follower from the blog hop. Lovely blog:) You can find me at

  4. I love a person who can admit to dust! :) Especially since I live in Arizona and dust (or very find sand) is just a fact of life. :) Have a wonderful day!


    PS I'm a new follower too from MMM. Love your blog colors!

  5. Hi Kelly, Thank you & its nice to meet you.

  6. Dust & lots of it!

    LOVE YOUR HONESTY! Nice to know there are other "real people" out there! :)

