
Monday, August 30, 2010

Would You Believe ..

Would you believe that I have both boys home from school today?

Poor Angus has a migraine. I've never had one myself but I see how badly he suffers from them. He is extremely light sensitive at the moment & us currently asleep.

Brodie has more tummy troubles. He gets them way too frequently but absolutely refuses to take something like mylanta to help settle his stomach. He has them so often that its time to get them investigated!! Brodie was also complaining that he is feeling tired. Serves him right in some ways. He's up at 6am every day and on his laptop by 6:30am. If its a school day he gets straight back on his laptop once he comes home & is on it until 10:30pm. He even gets stroppy sometimes when he has to 'get off' the laptop for his dinner! I know that the psychologist said that he needs time to unwind & that may mean hours on the laptop or play station but I don't think he meant this much time!
Anyway he too is asleep right now.

I've been trying to phone the doctors surgery on & off for the past 90 minutes. Each time I phone the number is engaged. I guess I wont be getting Brodie an appointment any time soon. At this rate they will be totally booked until tomorrow!

I'm crossing my fingers that when the boys finally wake up they are feeling much better!


  1. Awwww! I hope they're feeling better today. Headaches and tummy aches are no fun...for anyone, those with them or those taking care of those with them! :-]

  2. Both of the boy slept for an extra three to four hours this morning. Thankfully when they woke up they were both feeling much better.
    Sometimes its hard to know whether they are foxing or not but when they go back to bed and sleep I know that they were being truthful.

    I feel bad doubting them at times but they can be such rat bags that I never know if they just want the day off school or whether they are truly unwell.
