
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Listen Up Boys

I don't want to sound like I am nagging but I have a few pet peeves that truly annoy me! Its just little things that the kids do and really piss me off when they happen so frequently! Don't get me wrong I love my kids but they need to help out too! I'm not a super-mum!!

  • Not drying the dishes straight away. If I have to wash the bloody things then you HAVE to dry them when I tell you to. Not 24 hours later when they have 'dried' on their own! When I was a kid and Mum washed the dishes we copped it if we didn't rush in behind her with a tea-towel and start drying immediately! None of this wait until they air dry then put them away! Darned slackers!!
  • Leaving clothes on the floor in your bedroom! How bloody hard is it to grab a coat hanger & hang up your clothes? How hard is it to open a drawer and put away the clothes that I spent time washing & folding? I don't clean your clothes to only have you dump them on the floor because you are too fricken lazy to open the chest of drawers and put them away!
  • Leaving dirty clothes on the floor in your bedroom. For crying out loud I leave the dirty clothes basket right outside your bedroom door. Sometimes you even trip over it to get into your room. Give me a break & put your dirty clothing in it so it can get washed & so I don't have to hear you complain that you can't find any clean socks, underwear, school uniform or anything else that you wish to wear!
  • Let me know when we are running out of different foods. I can't buy stuff to replace it if I don't know that you have USED it ALL up! You boys know how to write, start a fricken shopping list!!!
  • Stop fighting with one another! Or you may find that the things you like the most will no longer be there for your use ie: the wireless internet you boys think is your right. I hate to tell you but it is a privilege you MUST earn! Or better yet .. you fight & I'll make you do the cleaning around here. I can't just imagine you two and your faces when I tell you that you have to scrub the toilet because you are arguing again!
I probably have more that I could list here but I might save them for another day!!

Do you have anything that annoys you?

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