
Monday, May 31, 2010


I was reading a post over at Mummy Mayhem which revolved around friendship & it got me thinking about my friends. Not that I have that many. In fact I don't have any that live close to where I live. I'm not complaining or anything but some times I do wish that I had a female friend that lived nearby that I could visit for the occasional cuppa & a chat but that ain't gonna happen any time soon.

As I said the post got me thinking about friends. I would be lucky to say that I had maybe a half a dozen close friends. Maybe even less really if I think about it. But the two that always pop into my head when I think of friends are Madtrekkie* & Diva* There's hardly a day that goes by that I don't think of them. The Spirit Sisters that I was destined to meet.

Madtrekkie & I have been friends since Primary School. We met when we were in Grade 3 (& we were gleams in our Daddy's eyes - well I'd like to think that). We went to the same High School and eventually to the same College. Once school was over, before the average person got a computer, we used to write to each other all the time. Thank goodness there was the old snail mail to keep us in touch with one another. I used to love receiving a letter in the post from Madtrekkie.
Now we keep in contact via email & facebook. How things have changed since we first met. I ♥ Madtrekkie!!

Now Auntie Diva (as the boys call her) is one special, lovable Spirit Sister. I truly believe we were destined to meet one another. Now we have never met in person (at least not yet but maybe one day) and that's okay. The way we can talk with one another I don't think that it matters that we have never met face to face. I feel just as close to my Diva as if she was one of my 'real' sisters if not closer. We talk more to one another than my actual sisters & I talk. A little sad really but they are busy with their own lives.
I am so grateful that both Diva & I have psoriasis (P). If it wasn't for that fact I don't think we would've ever met one another online in a support group. Having P has been a blessing in so many ways & a curse in others.

Diva & I may not share the same type of history that Madtrekkie & I do but I love ♥ her just as much. They are both there for me when I truly need someone to talk to or to even have a little whinge with.

There truly is nothing like having a couple of really good girlfriends. Even if neither of them live near me they are there no matter what. I ♥ ♥ ♥ my girlfriends

*Not their real names, affectionate nicknames.

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