
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Books, Books & More Books

I'm not sure if I mentioned the fact that earlier this year our bookshelf decided to up & die on us. Some of the shelves collapsed & broke spilling books all over the hallway floor. There was no way we could repair the shelves so we took it outside where it has lived ever since. I must get Mark to do a tip run soon. There is way too much junk in out backyard.

So with the old bookshelf out of the way we decided to clean out some of the books. Now I wanted to get rid of more books & I know I truly should have given more away but I do like having lots of novels & non-fiction stuff available just in case I want to read them again. Some books are good enough to read more than once or twice. Perhaps we should do another clean out soon. I am sure that someone on freecycle will love what we have.

We purchased a new bookshelf in kit form from Mitre 10. To be honest it wasn't designed for books but that is what we are using it for mainly because it was the cheapest option we had. The one I really wanted cost an arm & a leg, with the cheapest being around $300. Simply the kind of money we didn't have at the time. I must admit though that our new acquisition looks pretty good considering its cost & the shelves are deeper than the ones on our previous bookshelf.

Now back to what I was originally going to post about. I have been reading this book called Executive Orders by Tom Clancy for what seems like forEVER. I would normally have read several (much smaller) books during the past 5 months or so that I have been reading this one. Its driving me batty. At the rate I am going I don't think I will ever finish it. Its not a bad book or anything in fact I am really enjoying it. I just think that I would much prefer to see the movie of this one but I don't think they ever made it into one. I guess I just keep plodding along or maybe I should just read some other books for a little while.

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