
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mourning A Friend

You know I thought things were going okay at home but I guess I was wrong. It must be those rose coloured glasses that I keep close by. The ones I wear when I want to see that silver lining in that horribly dark grey cloud! I don't know what made me think things were okay. They're not.

As you know our friend & neighbour Mick passed away three weeks ago. A shock to us all but not too much of a shock if you think about it. I mean really think about it. There were signs there all along if you only knew to look for them.

Anyway, Mark has lost his best friend. His partner in crime as it were. His 'project' partner the one whom he shared ideas with and they both created them. Each making their separate components or ones that they could work on together to complete it.

Mark isn't doing too well. He's not really let on how he's been feeling but I can clearly see it now. In his actions, in how he wants to be alone a lot. He's not doing much of anything that he used to do. I know he is mourning but I really wish there was something I could do to help.
Having Borderline Personality Disorder must be pretty hard for him right now. I would hate to guess what is going on with his thinking.

I just wish I could help. Somehow.

1 comment:

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thank you Leon

I agree, its not the end or goodbye forever. Its more of a see you later.
I believe we mourn for what we had and what we will miss.
Thankfully Mark & I share the same belief :)