
Sunday, August 09, 2009

Update & Other Stuff

Here it is Sunday afternoon and I hadn't blogged at how my operation went on Friday. It's a bit slack of me I guess but I have had other things on my mind.

Everything went really well on Friday. I was the first to be called into theatre and one of the first to be back on the ward. It was all over and done with by 9:10 am. I have bruises all over the place from the anaesthetist. I guess he liked using me as a pin cushion!?!
I've only had a few crampy moments and they are becoming less and less which a good thing (maybe I spoke too soon). I've hardly been taking any pain killers which is fine by me. I don't want to take too many. I'm on antibiotics for a week as a precaution so I don't get an infection from the mirena. The only problem is with that is I can't do my UVB due to the antibiotics and needed to limit my sun exposure while taking them. I'm not too happy about that but there isn't much I can do about I suppose.

I had to wait until I saw a doctor before being discharged from the hospital. The only problem with that was I had to wait quite some time before one came to see me. It was meant to be my gynie but he was busy and sent one of his colleagues. Nothing new with that I guess. At least I was home by 12:50pm. Not bad considering.
I go back to see the gynaecologist in mid October unless I have a problem and need to phone/see him sooner.

Today I got a phone call from the boys father at 3:30 am. What an idiot! I bet he was drunk and didn't realise the time. The only trouble was I didn't get back to sleep until almost 6am. Sometimes I wonder if giving Victor a mobile phone was a smart thing to do. The jury is still out on this one I think.

We needed to get up early for Church today. Brodie was asked to see the Bishop early this morning before Sacrament. The Bishop had interviewed him and had a couple of good chats with Brodie over the past few weeks. He was ordained as a Priest this morning. The Bishop said the most wonderful blessing for Brodie. I hope that he is able to take on board what was said and that he is able to do the right thing. I'm sure he will do his best (most of the time).

I'm not sure what else to put other than I keep getting side-tracked while I am trying to type all of this up. Maybe my next post will be less disjointed.

Oh before I forget I take Mark to the spinal clinic tomorrow for a check up/review. I'm not sure what that will entail other than the fact that we have to travel about 90 km to get there. Not too happy about that but thats the drawbacks of living country & needing to travel into the city for appointments.

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