
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dial Up Speeds

I am so glad that I set this email settings thing up for my blog or I would go totally balmy today. We are currently stuck on dial-up speeds during out peak hour period because we have managed to use up our 25 gig (plus an extra 10 gig I paid for about 11 days ago) and our FAST adsl has been throttled back until it resets. Thank goodness it resets on the 26th of each month. So basically we need to wait until 11pm when the off peak time begins. Anywho at least I can email a post now and then to fill in the time. I just have to work out how to add tags for my posts ..maybe I will just add them later.

So far today to keep myself amused I have watched the ANZAC day march, listened to Angus play the keyboard (he really is very talented!!), baked a cake & some muffins (they are still in the oven at the moment but it is beginning to smell really delicious. Perhaps I should take a photo of the muffins. We made some banana ones this time. Angus was very impressed with the batter and wanted to eat it ALL before I had the chance to place it into the muffin pan.

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