
Thursday, June 26, 2008

My New Car - Emi

We have a new car! Well we don't have it quite just yet but we will have it very soon. We're just waiting on the car yard to finish up with her (checking the LPG gas tank & stuff) and then she is ours!! Hopefully on Saturday!

Before I go on about Emi, (that's the cars name ~ yeah I know what you're thinking who on earth names a car right? But we've named our cars ever since we had Tess my old Ford Meteor a few years back) I should tell you how we came about getting her. Our current car, Lily, the Holden Barina we bought just over two years ago is getting pretty sad right now. By that I mean she isn't running the best and to be honest we didn't look after her as well as we could have however she has been a good car nonetheless. We did manage to travel to Adelaide and back over Christmas but I think that was what did her in. The head gasket gave up the ghost on the trip home & Lily's not been the same after that.

Anywhoo, we knew we had to get a new car sooner or later. We (mainly Mark ~ well okay it was all Mark since he knows about cars and I don't) started looking on ebay, the car guide, the trading post and a some other sites for a replacement for Lily. All I know is that I wanted my dream car - a four door cab ute with a hardtop cover. Alas that was not to be the car that we found not that I am complaining or anything its just that the 4 door cab ute was one that I truly wanted for many, many years. I said that if we couldn't get one of them that I would settle for a station wagon just as long as it was NOT a commodore (sorry but I just don't like them as I feel they are too easy to break into and I wanted something that was a little safer than that).

Mark had been looking for a while now and on Tuesday he happened to be checking the yellow pages of all places for possible car yards that were not too far from home. Mark had been checking places that were on the opposite side of Melbourne from us and I just wanted to try a little closer to home but I wasn't expecting to find something this side of Melbourne to be honest.

Anyway, he phoned up a dealership in Pakenham after phoning a few earlier in the valley and they happened to have a Ford Falcon station wagon that came in over the weekend. Mark told the guy up front how much we had to spend (in cash) and that we have the old Barina to trade in too. Mark also told the guy we would come down and have a look but we weren't sure when we could get there. Initially it was to be after Angus got out of school but I realised that he had soccer practise and he needed to go to that. In the end we picked up Angus at about 3 o'clock and drove to Pakenham to check out the car. I was so reluctant to go. I just didn't want to go out unless I absolutely had to and to travel the 35-40 km was just a huge turn off!

Now to cut a long story short. After giving the car a test drive and talking with the owner of the car dealership we now have a new (well used) ED Ford Falcon! It's automatic (roll of the eyes ~ I wanted a manual) but the best part is it is DUAL Fuel! It's on gas & petrol! Yay!! We wanted a car that ran on both or just the gas. The fact that it has gas means I can overlook the fact that it is an automatic. I can just see myself going for the clutch for the first few weeks since I am so used to driving manuals. I just hope that I get used to driving it. I'm a little concerned with the size difference. I am so used to driving smaller cars and station wagons look so much bigger. I just know I will be a little tentative when driving up to the car port or when parking at the supermarket! It'll take me weeks to feel confident!

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