
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Facet Joint Injections

I took Mark into Dandenong this afternoon to a private clinic across from the Dandenong Hospital so that he could get facet joint injections of cortisone in his spine. It sounds horrible and believe me we thought it would be shockingly bad too.

The procedure went really well though. Mark said the injections weren't as bad as he thought they would be. You know how you get that preconceived idea about how painful things might be & how relieved you are when you're proven wrong. Mark was glad that the injections didn't hurt too much. He said the injections of local anaesthetic hurt more and the steroid injections felt more like an intramuscular morphine or pethidine injection. The local was wearing off a bit by the time we got home but the best thing so far is that Mark said the pain he normally feels going down his leg, sciatic nerve, is gone although he still has a little bit of pain in his hip. So far so good. Let's hope that the steroids work as well as we all hope they will and that Mark gets the maximum benefit of six months, although three months would be great too. The only thing is, it may take anything up to 10 days before we know whether it is successful or not but as i said so far so good!!

I was extremely worried that something might go wrong today after all Mark's track record with medications hasn't always been the best I was terrified that he might have an allergic reaction or that he would be in more pain than usual. Overall the day went really well but I am glad of one thing I don't think I would've coped too well if I had to watch this procedure being performed. I seem to be getting more squeamish as I get older.

One last thing. With the picture of Mark's back. They drew the horizontal lines on his back where the lasers we so that things were lines up properly. When Mark showed me at the clinic I mentioned that I could draw some lines going the other way so that I could play noughts and crosses (tic tac toe) but he wouldn't let me the big meanie rofl

Head Banging

Why is it sometimes I feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall? Lucky me huh!! I just got off the phone with the High School. It seems that our boy has been a BIG potty mouth and misbehaved quite a bit. He's now earned himself a weeks suspension from bus travel. That's one privilege that we cannot afford to lose!

Why on earth does Brodie feel the need to misbehave on the bus is beyond me. I asked him why he does it and his reply was that he doesn't do it deliberately. Well come on. I wasn't born yesterday but if you choose to swear you know that you're doing something wrong. The thing is you CHOOSE to do it so it IS deliberate!!

Thankfully Brodie's suspension doesn't begin until next week and his aide is able to pick him up and bring him home on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. If I want him to go on Thursday I have to take him. On Friday his aide can take him but he is unable to bring him home as he only works for half a day.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Poked & Prodded

I went to the hospital this morning to get an ultrasound done on my shoulder and my pelvic region. I had to have a 'full' bladder as well. My appointment was for 10am and I finally made it home just after 11:30am. Who would've thought that two ultrasounds would take so long. Mind you I was never told that I would need an xray on my shoulder on top of the ultrasounds.

I never realised that the technician would have to press so hard on my shoulder. I thought I was going to fall of the chair a few times. Thank goodness it didn't hurt too much or I don't think I would've coped as well as I did.

The one I didn't like was the ultrasound on the pelvis. That one hurt like the dickens. My bladder was at bursting point by the time we got around to doing that one! My psoriasis was so red and tender where she had to place the probe or whatever it's called. She was very understanding and rather quick. She didn't want me to be in too much discomfort.
When I made my appointment I was supposed to be told that the test required by my GP was for an internal scan too. The technician, who was really lovely, explained to me that my doctor should have told me this and the receptionist should have told me when I made the booking. Of course I wasn't told by either of them. I could've come back if I wanted to but I thought since I was there already I may as well get it over and done with. It wasn't as uncomfortable as I had thought it would be. No more so than getting a pap smear done. In face I think it was less uncomfortable if that is at all possible.

Not that the technician could tell me much, as it really isn't her place to I guess, but she said that everything looks fine with the plumbing (my words not hers) and that my shoulder looks like it has a torn tendon & it might mean that I need some physio or something to that effect. My GP will have the results in a few days so I can phone him later this week and find out, well the nurse at the clinic. Which is good timing really as I need to phone about the results of my Pap Smear some time this week too. So I may as well leave it all for the same day.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

After I Mopped The Floor .. .. ..

Saqarra can be such a strange cat. Without fail after I have mopped the floors with a mild solution of hot water and bleach she will rub up and down the floors. Rolling all over the place to get covered in the diluted bleach/water mix. Totally strange! Of all the cats I have had and of all the cats I have known she is the only one that has done it. I wonder if it has anything to do with her being part ragdoll. Totally weird!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Clothes Line

I got this in an email and I thought that it was too good not to share it. I must admit I still do numbers 3 and 5. Especially number 5 when I lived at the caravan park I just didn't want the neighbours to see my 'unmentionables'!!

The Clothes Line - Do you remember?

The clothes line....a dead give away. Do the kids today even know what a clothes line is? For all of us who are older, this will bring back the memories.

  1. You had to wash the clothes line before hanging any clothes. Walk the length of each line with a damp cloth around the line.
  2. You had to hang the clothes in a certain order and always hang whites with whites and hang them first.
  3. You never hung a shirt by the shoulders, always by the tail. What would the neighbours think?
  4. Wash day on a Monday...........never hang clothes on the weekend or Sunday for heaven's sake!
  5. Hang the sheets and towels on the outside lines so you could hide your 'unmentionables' in the middle.
  6. It didn't matter if it was sub zero weather.............clothes would 'freeze dry.'
  7. Always gather the clothes pins when taking down dry clothes. Pins left on the line was 'tacky'.
  8. If you were efficient, you would line the clothes up so that each item did not need two clothes pins, but shared one of the clothes pins with the next washed item.
  9. Clothes off of the line before dinner time, neatly folded in the clothes basket and ready to be ironed.

IRONED?????????? Well, that's a whole other subject.


A clothes line was a news forecast
To neighbours passing by.
There were no secrets you could keep
When clothes were hung to dry.

It also was a friendly link
For neighbours always knew
If company had stopped on by
To spend a night or two.

For then you'd see the 'fancy sheets'
And towels upon the line;
You'd see the 'company table cloths'
With intricate design.

The line announced a baby's birth
To folks who lived inside
As brand new infant clothes were hung
So carefully with pride.

The ages of the children could
So readily be known
By watching how the sizes changed
You'd know how much they'd grown.

It also told when illness struck,
As extra sheets were hung;
Then nightclothes, and a bathrobe, too,
Haphazardly were strung.

It said, 'Gone on vacation now'
When lines hung limp and bare.
It told, 'We're back!' when full lines sagged
With not an inch to spare.

New folks in town were scorned upon
If wash was dingy grey,
As neighbours carefully raised their brows,
And looked the other way..

But clotheslines now are of the past
For dryers make work less.
Now what goes on inside a home
Is anybody's guess.

I really miss that way of life.
It was a friendly sign
When neighbours knew each other best
By what hung on the line!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Knitted Beanies

I've taken a break from knitting beanies at the moment but here's a collection that I've made over the past few weeks. I'm not sure which charity these ones are going to yet but I'm sure I'll work that out soon. I want to try and donate locally but I've not phoned up anyone to find out yet. I might try the local Salvos but I need to stress to them that I want them given away not sold.

I haven't stopped knitting though I'm currently making a vest for Angus right now. I'll show a picture of it when it's finished.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Cat Sleeping Bag

I finally got some photos off of my camera and I thought I would begin posting them over the next few days. It should help me begin to post more frequently (or not lol). This picture is of Saqarra. She's using my craft bag as a sleeping bag. I don't think I'll ever be getting this bag back again .. not unless I take it off the floor completely!! She does look rather cute in it though.

Happy Birthday Mark!

It's Mark's birthday today!! Happy Birthday!
We sort of celebrated his birthday on Saturday when we had our picnic lunch. We even had cake too but we forgot to take a knife with us to cut it so we had to wait until we got home.
Mark opened one of his presents, a jacket, just after midnight. It was from his Dad and Step Mum. The jacket is one of those really warm quilted shirt looking ones. Kind of like a lumberjacks coat/shirt. It looks nice and warm. We've actually had the present here at home for some time and he promised not to open it until his birthday, which is exactly what he did.. just after midnight as I said lol.
For the life of me I can't remember all of the presents he got from us, he got a present early. I do know what he got this morning though a small torch and an oil painting kit. Mark wanted to give painting a go so I saw the kit last week. Mark's Dad paints and he's really good at it. I'm sure that Mark will be just as good too.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Violent Outbursts

Temper tantrums seem to be a commonplace thing of late with Brodie. I'm a little frustrated here, well more tired and at my wits end if anything and struggling to get some form of 'normality' in the home. I know there is no such thing as normal but some peace in the family would be great.

Brodie is intimidating everyone in the family from his little brother, to me and now Mark too. I don't know what to do. He is becoming more aggressive, violent and he has a horrible case of potty mouth. The swearing that comes out of his mouth is shocking!! He towers over Angus and myself. He's an extremely solid kid too and has quite a bit of strength. Only last week he was pushing me about because he did not get his own way.
It probably doesn't help that Mark has Borderline Personality Disorder which, at times, can be a challenge in itself as they tend to clash a little more than they should but that isn't all that much of an issue really.
I've phoned our GCAMHS case manager yesterday and left a message. She doesn't work on Fridays so I wont hear from her until next week. I hope that she manages to phone early in the week.

We seem to be floundering at the moment and I want to be able to survive the weekend. We have tried everything we can think of from positive reinforcement of good behaviours, token rewards, removal of privileges, time out. I could go on but I think you get the idea and nothing seems to be working right now.

A Long Drive

We went for a long drive today all the way to Mooroolbark. Mark & our neighbour bought something on ebay the other day and we went to collect it. A box full of gauges, thermometers, fittings for something or other, stuff for a compressor (I think) some books and a few other bits and pieces. While we we out we had a picnic lunch at a park in Boronia.

All that driving was very tiring. I feel rather pooped but to be honest I haven't felt 100% today at any rate. What I would really like to do right now is veg out on the couch and watch a movie. I guess it didn't help that the boys didn't behave the whole time we were out. I know I would be expecting too much if I wanted them to behave all day but it would've been nice if they didn't get so loud in the car.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What A Day

What a day. Well more like what a week~ On Monday I took Mark into the Metro Spinal Clinic for an 11:15 am appointment. Not only was the doctor late in seeing us it made the day an awful long one. It's an hour and a half drive from where we live to the clinic. So of course it was an hour and a half drive home. We we out nearly ALL day! I think by the time we got home I had about half an hour before I had to leave to get Angus from school. I guess I should be thankful that I had that long to sit down and relax.
Mark is going to need to get some cortisone injections in his spine. The clinic where we will be going to for this phoned today to arrange an appointment. This kind of surprised me as I only posted the referral yesterday morning and didn't expect it to arrive at their office until tomorrow. We now have an appointment for Tuesday week. I'm not looking forward to this one as I don't like the idea of Mark getting needles in his spine. However these injections if they work may provide between 3 and 6 months relief. So cross fingers it works!! Plus there is an upside to this. The cortisone will at least help Mark with his psoriasis :-P

Yesterday there was a teachers strike and Brodie's High School was affected by it so he didn't have to attend school. Lucky us had to endure many jokes and other things during the day. I need to have words with the Assistant Principal and tell him that next time I would much prefer if Brodie went to school rather than stay at home annoying me!
As it was I had loads to do and Brodie was able to help me. We went to the pathology place so that Brodie could have his blood test done. The paediatrician needed it done before his next appointment which is next week on Wednesday afternoon. We also managed to get to the medicare office, the post office, the supermarket and the egg farm! We're good!!

Once we got home Mark and Brodie started making the new desk. I'll have to take a picture of it to share but I wont be able to get it onto the computer yet as the printer isn't hooked up yet and it has the card reader. Although somewhere in our mess I did manage to find the USB cable for my camera. I just have to remember where I put it. The desk looks great! And what is even better Mark is now inside too. It's good to have him inside especially now that it is getting colder at nights. Not that he minded being in the shed at night as he does have a heater out there.
Any way the desk is done and we had a major clean up with all the bits and pieces that were on the old desk.

Today I also went to see my GP. I had to get that dreaded pap smear done. Thank goodness that is over for another two years. However I do have to wait for the results. There's no point in worrying about them either whatever the results may be I can't change them! I also mentioned about my arm and how it's hurting so much. It's been like that since before Christmas which I forgot to tell him about last time I was there. He wants me to go for an ultrasound of my shoulder. He did say what he thought it was but I can't remember what it for the life of me. No big deal though. I'm sure if there is something wrong he'll let me know. So all I need to do now is organise the appointment.

Go On With Your Knittin

Go On With Your Knittin'
(Unknown Irish Poet)

When the folks next to you act like those in the zoo
A grumblin', growlin' and spittin'
It's a pretty good plan
To be as calm as you can
And do something useful?like knittin'.

When a gossipin' Susan with poison barbed tongue
Comes into the room where you're sittin'
And starts to defame
Some neighbor's good name
Count your stitches out loud and keep knittin'.

When there's been a slight misunderstandin' at the church
And others hint broadly of quittin'
Why the very best thing
You can do is to sing
And stay at your post and keep knittin'.

When Satan moves in with his cohorts of sin
Say, "You'll never find me submitin'.
You irk me I find
So get thee behind
And please don't disturb me?I'M KNITTIN!"

In the middle of problems, the big and the small
It's always proper and fittin'
To trust and to pray
'Til the Lord shows the way
An' go right on ahead with your knittin'.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The First Game

Angus had his first game of soccer today. He looked so cute in his uniform. He had so much fun even though he didn't get to play much but that is to be expected as there are so many players on his team. Angus was so excited this morning and extremely happy after the game because his team won 5 - 1.

I actually remembered to take a photo of Angus in his uniform but there is one small problem .. the picture is on my phone and I have no way of transferring it to my computer at the moment. We even tried to send it to Mark's phone, via blue tooth, so he could transfer it to computer but it wouldn't work. So I guess I will have to wait until I get a memory card for the phone and transfer it then.

Before I forget there is also another Angus on his team. He's a little bit younger but get this he has the same eye problems as my boy. It's amazing. He is the second boy I have met called Angus. The first one is much older and was in High School at the time.

Friday, April 11, 2008

TGIF - or not

It's Friday already. Where has the week gone?? I don't feel like I have done much at all this week. Let's see what did happen this week .. .. ..

Tuesday I took Angus to Jindi so that he could go to camp. I also got my haircut that afternoon. It feels so much lighter than it did before and yay my fringe is shorter I can now see again lol.
Wednesday, what did I do. Mark and I started cleaning up the lounge room & doing a major de clutter. It's looking much better now. Oh and I had to make an extra trip up to the High School because Brodie forgot his medication. At least I think I did that on Wednesday but I'm not 100% sure of that. I did a little bit of grocery shopping.

Yesterday I did a little more shopping. Not much mind you as I am quickly running out of money as I gave Mark some money for an external hard drive that Michele had offered to sell us. It was a bargain buy but it truly has left us rather short this week. I know I should've said no but it's too late to worry about that now.I just hope that there is enough petrol in the car to go up to Jindi later today to get Angus as I don't have much money for fuel at the moment. I'm thinking we might not be going to Church for that very reason.

In about half an hour my visiting teachers will be here so I'd better get off this thing and make sure the place is tidy enough for visitors. I don't want them to think we're slobs!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Sovereign Hill

Angus left for Ballarat today for a four day school camp. They're staying at Sovereign Hill. They are going to have such fun doing activities such as Gold pouring, sweet making, candle dipping, checking out the Chinese goldfield, going to the movies, visiting the gold museum, panning for gold, visiting the Eureka Stockade site and more. He will be so busy that I bet he hardly even misses us.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Lucky Us!

Goodness me we were so lucky with this recent bad weather. We were only without power for 6 hours on Wednesday. There are still people in Gippsland without power and some are not expected to have any until Sunday night. The weather is getting colder now that it's autumn and the nights and mornings can be bitterly cold. They showed some poor families that only have electricity to rely on and they are suffering.

I think I need to count my blessings that we not only have power but the fact that we have gas also. It makes me realise that we need to concentrate on getting our 72 hour kit organised a bit better that we have.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Back To Basics

The power went out at 1 pm today and finally came back on around 6:30 tonight. You should've seen the boys panic to begin with .."Oh No we have NO power!!", "What do we do now?", "I'm bored".

There was plenty to do if they only thought about it. There were games to play, work to be done like tidying up, reading a book, crafts and other things if they only put their minds to it. I at least got to do some more knitting.

We managed to have dinner by candle light (it's a good thing I always have a supply of candles and matches handy). It was rather nice to eat that way. Good thing we have gas though so we didn't have to have a 'cold' tea.

They said in the news that the cold front was the strongest we've had in about 6 years. The people in the alpine region were to expect more strong winds with speeds up to 150 km/hour. That's like cyclone strength! I don't even want to think how fast that truly is. All I know is that it's much faster than my car can travel!!!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

My New Phone

My New phone arrived today, oops I just realised that it's after midnight so I guess I should say it arrived yesterday! It's a Nokia 6085. I bought it on ebay last week. It' looks really nifty and has stacks more features than my old phone. Considering I haven't had a phone for such a long time it's going to be strange remembering to take this along each time I go out. But first things first I need to get some credit for my phone. I only ever like to have a pre-paid phone that way I don't rack up a huge phone bill.

Mark likes this phone so much that he is thinking of getting one like it too. Not that there is anything wrong with his current phone though other than it's a couple of years old. The boys are getting excited though. Now that I have a new phone it means that they are one step closer in having their own phones. I told them both that they wont get a new phone before I do. Now that I have one I guess they will start asking about theirs.