
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 30, 2016

Total steps: 8272
Floors climbed: 5
Calories burned: 2399
Elevation gained: 15.24 meters
Traveled: 5.25 kilometers

August 30, 2016
via Fitbit

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Weekly Fitbit Summary - 22 Aug 2016 to 28 Aug 2016

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 29, 2016

Total steps: 5801
Floors climbed: 5
Calories burned: 2274
Elevation gained: 15.24 meters
Traveled: 3.68 kilometers

August 29, 2016
via Fitbit

Monday, August 29, 2016

Video: Crayon Waterfall Cake (Back to School) w/ Edible Crayons

Crayon Waterfall Cake (Back to School) w/ Edible Crayons

via YouTube

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 28, 2016

Total steps: 6618
Floors climbed: 7
Calories burned: 2337
Elevation gained: 21.34 meters
Traveled: 4.2 kilometers

August 28, 2016
via Fitbit

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 27, 2016

Total steps: 6163
Floors climbed: 2
Calories burned: 2245
Elevation gained: 6.1 meters
Traveled: 3.91 kilometers

August 27, 2016
via Fitbit

Saturday, August 27, 2016

NEW WIP - Crochet - Matinee Coat


WIP - Crochet - Temperature Blanket - Week 34

Winter showed it's head this week. Thankfully spring begins at the end of next week. I am hoping to see some more green rows soon not. 

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 26, 2016

Total steps: 7916
Floors climbed: 0
Calories burned: 2375
Elevation gained: 0 meters
Traveled: 5.03 kilometers

August 26, 2016
via Fitbit

Friday, August 26, 2016

Video: Hey There, Rose Tyler | Ginger Ten (Doctor Who) Song Lyrics

Hey There, Rose Tyler | Ginger Ten (Doctor Who) Song Lyrics

via YouTube

WIP - Crochet - C2C Baby Blanket

I have been working on this for a while but I am not entirely happy with it.
I'm using Bendigo Woollen Mills cotton in 4 ply. I love the colour and the texture of the yarn but I am not all that happy with the size. It's going to be rather small.
I'm thinking of frogging it (eeek! I know right) and using the yarn to make something else. Perhaps something from that new book I just received in the post.

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 25, 2016

Total steps: 7641
Floors climbed: 0
Calories burned: 2356
Elevation gained: 0 meters
Traveled: 4.85 kilometers

August 25, 2016
via Fitbit

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thankful Thursday

Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • sunshine and blue skies
  • spending time out of the house with the boys
  • that Brodie is healing well & that it is now three weeks since his surgery and still NO seizures!
  • my postie - I got a vintage pattern book that I bought off ebay the other day. I looked at the copyright ©1967 (o_O) 
  • that Brodie was able to enjoy time away from home with a carer the other day and that he didn't come back exhausted
  • snuggles with Missy Issy (she turned 2 last weekend)

What are you thankful for this week?

My New (But Old) Crochet Pattern Book Arrived Today


Fitbit Daily Summary for August 24, 2016

Total steps: 10263
Floors climbed: 15
Calories burned: 2496
Elevation gained: 45.72 meters
Traveled: 6.52 kilometers

August 24, 2016
via Fitbit

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 23, 2016

Total steps: 11159
Floors climbed: 7
Calories burned: 2566
Elevation gained: 21.34 meters
Traveled: 7.09 kilometers

August 23, 2016
via Fitbit

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Weekly Fitbit Summary - 15 Aug 2016 to 21 Aug 2016

Video: Comic Recreates Autism Spectrum

This video explains things clearly about how each person on the Autism Spectrum are all different. I just wish the psychiatrist/psychologist that met Brodie for a whole 30 minutes back in April knew this. I am still annoyed that after that short conversation she had with him that she could come to the conclusion that Brodie doesn't have Asperger's Syndrome. Silly woman!

Comic Recreates Autism Spectrum

via YouTube

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 22, 2016

Total steps: 6381
Floors climbed: 0
Calories burned: 2252
Elevation gained: 0 meters
Traveled: 4.05 kilometers

August 22, 2016
via Fitbit

Monday, August 22, 2016

Video: Galaxy Ice Cream Cake w/ Galaxy Chocolate Bark and Galaxy Buttercream Icing

Galaxy Ice Cream Cake w/ Galaxy Chocolate Bark and Galaxy Buttercream Icing

via YouTube

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 21, 2016

Total steps: 5831
Floors climbed: 4
Calories burned: 2228
Elevation gained: 12.19 meters
Traveled: 3.7 kilometers

August 21, 2016
via Fitbit

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Video: SNICKERS PIE RECIPE - How to Make a NO BAKE 15 Minutes Snickers Tart Dessert | Elise Strachan

SNICKERS PIE RECIPE - How to Make a NO BAKE 15 Minutes Snickers Tart Dessert | Elise Strachan

via YouTube

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 20, 2016

Total steps: 5818
Floors climbed: 4
Calories burned: 2234
Elevation gained: 12.19 meters
Traveled: 3.69 kilometers

August 20, 2016
via Fitbit

Saturday, August 20, 2016

WIP - Crochet - Temperature Blanket - Week 33

Lots of blue this week. Spring officially starts next month. 
Perhaps the super cold days will be seen less and less now.

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 19, 2016

Total steps: 7064
Floors climbed: 1
Calories burned: 2307
Elevation gained: 3.05 meters
Traveled: 4.49 kilometers

August 19, 2016
via Fitbit

Friday, August 19, 2016

A New Fitbit Achievement #blog #fitbit


Fitbit Daily Summary for August 18, 2016

Total steps: 10053
Floors climbed: 17
Calories burned: 2497
Elevation gained: 51.82 meters
Traveled: 6.38 kilometers

August 18, 2016
via Fitbit

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thankful Thursday

 photo Summer-ThankfulThursday.jpg

Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • that Brodie's surgical incision is healing really well. He had the staples removed on Tuesday morning
  • so far so good and Brodie has had no seizures since July
  • for Angus going job hunting, although I believe he needs to try harder
  • keeping my sanity when trying to knit. Although it has been a struggle. I've given up trying to knit or crochet any baby items right now. I've doing another corner to corner blanket
  • mild weather where I have been able to get my washing out on the clothes line and that it's dried! YAY! Always a good thing to have your washing dried outdoors. It gives it a fresher smell and it just feels cleaner.

What are you thankful for this week?

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 17, 2016

Total steps: 6882
Floors climbed: 2
Calories burned: 2258
Elevation gained: 6.1 meters
Traveled: 4.37 kilometers

August 17, 2016
via Fitbit

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

WIP - #CROCHET - Corner to Corner


Fitbit Daily Summary for August 16, 2016

Total steps: 5969
Floors climbed: 1
Calories burned: 2265
Elevation gained: 3.05 meters
Traveled: 3.79 kilometers

August 16, 2016
via Fitbit

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Weekly Fitbit Summary - 08 Aug 2016 to 14 Aug 2016

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 15, 2016

Total steps: 9139
Floors climbed: 4
Calories burned: 2435
Elevation gained: 12.19 meters
Traveled: 5.8 kilometers

August 15, 2016
via Fitbit

Monday, August 15, 2016

I Hate Frogging!

I am so annoyed with my knitting. I tried making a baby cardigan but I have had to pull it apart (frog it) three times because I either made a mistake or I just didn't like how it was looking.

I have now decided that knitting is too much for me right now. I am going back to crochet!
I am currently working on a pattern by Heather from Just Crochet.
I haven't worked from her patterns for a while & so far so good (~_O) 

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 14, 2016

Total steps: 5004
Floors climbed: 0
Calories burned: 2164
Elevation gained: 0 meters
Traveled: 3.18 kilometers

August 14, 2016
via Fitbit

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Video: Crafty Ridge Presents How to Add Colors in a C2C Graphghan

Crafty Ridge Presents How to Add Colors in a C2C Graphghan

via YouTube

Knitting Book - One-Skein Wonders for Babies

I saw a review for this book on Facebook by Retro Mummy 2 weeks ago.
I liked the look of it and considering it's for babies I thought why not get a copy myself. 
I ordered it from Angus and Robertson on ebay. It arrived last week while Brodz and I were in the city. I've finally gotten around to looking at it properly.

No that I have completed The Midwife blanket that I began crocheting last week I plan of making some of the cute little patterns in this book.

How cute does this little set look?

I quite like these blankets as well.
I'm not sure what I will start with but I plan on using my Bendigo Woollen Mill 4 ply cotton that I have had in my stash for ages.

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 13, 2016

Total steps: 8441
Floors climbed: 13
Calories burned: 2343
Elevation gained: 39.62 meters
Traveled: 5.36 kilometers

August 13, 2016
via Fitbit

Saturday, August 13, 2016

WIP - Crochet - Temperature Blanket - Week 32

Still a lot of purple. Even though the weather has warmed up a little. It just hasn't warmed up enough for me to used another colour. 

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 12, 2016

Total steps: 7679
Floors climbed: 5
Calories burned: 2366
Elevation gained: 15.24 meters
Traveled: 4.88 kilometers

August 12, 2016
via Fitbit

Friday, August 12, 2016

Lions House - Home Away From Home

Before Brodie had surgery last week we needed to visit the Austin Hospital everyday for various appointments from MRI's to Visual Perceptions tests.

We didn't wish to travel back and forth to Gippsland everyday. It's a 101 km (62.7585 miles) trip from our home to the hospital (one way only). Not only is that very time consuming, especially during peak hour traffic, we just couldn't afford the fuel to travel back and forth everyday.

We were fortunate enough to stay at Lions House in Heidelberg. 
It truly was a home away from home. We met quite a few lovely people there.

Brodie has some follow up appointments in September and then a whole series of tests scheduled for November (about 6 appointments over 3 days) . We are going to be booked in at Lions House when we return for the tests.

The room we stayed in.

One of the communal lounge and kitchen areas.

Brodz busy on Facebook.

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 11, 2016

Total steps: 8376
Floors climbed: 11
Calories burned: 2358
Elevation gained: 33.53 meters
Traveled: 5.32 kilometers

August 11, 2016
via Fitbit

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thankful Thursday

Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • that Brodie's surgery was a success & his surgeons are very happy with how it went.
  • for Brodie being discharged on Monday. Not bad considering his surgery was only last Thursday. THERE's NO PLACE LIKE HOME!
  • for Angus stepping up and doing all sorts of jobs around the home while I was in the city with Brodz. Angus basically looked after our home doing the washing, cleaning, dishes and cooking. Thank you so much kiddo I really appreciate it!!
  • for coming home
  • for my crochet and reading .. they helped keep me occupied while I sat beside Brodie's hospital bed as he slept
  • for Brodie's recovery. He is coming a long in leaps and bounds. Considering he had brain surgery he is doing brilliantly!

What are you thankful for this week?

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 10, 2016

Total steps: 8297
Floors climbed: 21
Calories burned: 2360
Elevation gained: 64.01 meters
Traveled: 5.27 kilometers

August 10, 2016
via Fitbit

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Video: Cable Cast On

Cable Cast On

via YouTube

Weekly Fitbit Summary - 01 Aug 2016 to 07 Aug 2016

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 9, 2016

Total steps: 8252
Floors climbed: 1
Calories burned: 2414
Elevation gained: 3.05 meters
Traveled: 5.24 kilometers

August 9, 2016
via Fitbit

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

WIP - Crochet - Temperature Blanket - Week 31

Better late than never as far as posting this photo of my temperature blanket.
I didn't take the blanket with me when Brodie was in hospital last week. Mind you I did have a lot of time on my hands while he was an in-patient.
I spent about an hour or so last night catching up on last weeks rows.

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 8, 2016

Total steps: 8054
Floors climbed: 3
Calories burned: 2464
Elevation gained: 9.14 meters
Traveled: 5.11 kilometers

August 8, 2016
via Fitbit

Monday, August 08, 2016

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 7, 2016

Total steps: 5181
Floors climbed: 1
Calories burned: 2182
Elevation gained: 3.05 meters
Traveled: 3.29 kilometers

August 7, 2016
via Fitbit

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 6, 2016

Total steps: 5232
Floors climbed: 2
Calories burned: 2210
Elevation gained: 6.1 meters
Traveled: 3.32 kilometers

August 6, 2016
via Fitbit

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Enjoying a hot chocolate #blog


Fitbit Daily Summary for August 5, 2016

Total steps: 8996
Floors climbed: 1
Calories burned: 2508
Elevation gained: 3.05 meters
Traveled: 5.71 kilometers

August 5, 2016
via Fitbit

Friday, August 05, 2016

Video: How to Make a Geode Cake (Geode Wedding Cake)

How to Make a Geode Cake (Geode Wedding Cake)

via YouTube

Brodies Surgery - Right Frontal Lobectomy

Brodie had his surgery yesterday.
Poor kid isn't doing  so well. 
Sadly I am on my phone sharing this and cannot see the screen properly. 
I will share more another time. 

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 4, 2016

Total steps: 8575
Floors climbed: 7
Calories burned: 2433
Elevation gained: 21.34 meters
Traveled: 5.45 kilometers

August 4, 2016
via Fitbit

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 3, 2016

Total steps: 8276
Floors climbed: 5
Calories burned: 2411
Elevation gained: 15.24 meters
Traveled: 5.26 kilometers

August 3, 2016
via Fitbit

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Slowly but surely my blanket is growing #crochet #blog




via YouTube

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 2, 2016

Total steps: 6638
Floors climbed: 2
Calories burned: 2305
Elevation gained: 6.1 meters
Traveled: 4.22 kilometers

August 2, 2016
via Fitbit

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Fitbit Daily Summary for August 1, 2016

Total steps: 10809
Floors climbed: 4
Calories burned: 2573
Elevation gained: 12.19 meters
Traveled: 6.86 kilometers

August 1, 2016
via Fitbit

Monday, August 01, 2016

WIP - Another Midwife Blanket #crochet #blog


Off To The Austin Hospital

I probably wont be posting much at all this week. Brodie and I leave for the Austin Hospital in about an hour. He has his BIG surgery on Thursday. The neurosurgeons will be removing his right frontal lobe.

Brodz has a few scans and tests that need to be completed before Thursday. So we are staying in the city.

As I am only taking my phone with me I may be unable to do any blog posts. In uninstalled Blogger a while back as I was having problems with it.

Wish us luck!

Fitbit Daily Summary for July 31, 2016

Total steps: 6787
Floors climbed: 0
Calories burned: 2341
Elevation gained: 0 meters
Traveled: 4.31 kilometers

July 31, 2016
via Fitbit