
Monday, August 31, 2015

Daily Fitbit Summary for August 30, 2015

Total steps: 6424
Floors climbed: 11
Traveled: 3.85 kilometers

August 30, 2015
via Fitbit

C.K the bed hog #blog


Video: How to Read Crochet Digrams

How to Read Crochet Digrams

via YouTube

Sunday, August 30, 2015

WIP - Crochet - Farm Blanket

The photos below are the colours for the background squares for my current blanket.

Olive green yarn from Spotlight.
Sorry the colour looks much nicer in real life. The photo looks washed out.
I wasn't sure if I had enough of this olive yarn (o_0) so I ordered some online yesterday morning.
Let's hope it doesn't take too long to get here. I am still hoping that I have the right amount already. If not I will just start on the appliqués until it arrives.
I still need to complete two and a half squares then I'm done.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Video: EASY Chicken Pilaf (Rice Cooker Recipe) - OCHIKERON - CREATE EAT HAPPY

EASY Chicken Pilaf (Rice Cooker Recipe) 炊飯器で簡単!チキンピラフ (レシピ) - OCHIKERON - CREATE EAT HAPPY

via YouTube

Video: Crochet Infinity Rib Stitched Cowl

Crochet Infinity Rib Stitched Cowl

via YouTube

Video: RASPBERRY INSIDE DESSERT How To Cook That Ann Reardon


via YouTube

Friday, August 28, 2015

Video: GIANT Single-Serving Cookies: 3 Different Flavors - Gemma's Bigger Bolder Baking Ep 86

GIANT Single-Serving Cookies: 3 Different Flavors - Gemma's Bigger Bolder Baking Ep 86

via YouTube

Video: MINECRAFT CAKE VILLAGE How To Cook That Ann Reardon


via YouTube

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thankful Thursday

Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • wearing new(ish) runners and being able to walk lots in them without getting blisters, which is always a good thing
  • for being able to walk over 21 km over the past 7 days. I am a little puzzled as to why I received an email with my stats this morning. I guess it's from a US server.

  • that Trip doesn't care when he gets his flea treatment put on him. C.K. on the other hand is a totally different story
  • getting my crochet mojo back. Not that it really went away I just feel more motivated to crochet at the moment

What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Finished Item - Crochet - Zoo Blanket

When all the squares are done I like to line them up to see how they look together & to work out the order before adding the borders☺


Once I have decided on positioning I begin adding the borders.


Ta Da the finished blanket!! 

I have now started the next blanket. Another Farm one. In fact I am on the fourth green square at the moment ☺ I seem to be getting the squares done relatively quickly on this one.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

VIDEO: How To Crochet a Vintage Granny Square

This is a very long video tutorial. It goes for almost 54 minutes. The finished square looks amazing though. There is also a video from Happy Berry Crochet (who this video is from) that shows how she joined the squares together.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Video: Giant Donut Cake - RECIPE

Giant Donut Cake - RECIPE

via YouTube

Autism Extras album on Photobucket

I created an album on photobucket a while back now.
I thought I would share it with anyone who may be interested in collecting some tags or blinkies that reference Austim and Aspergers.
Feel free to snag as many or as few as you wish. You can share the link as well if you want to ☺

 photo ILoveSomeoneWithAspergers.jpg
I made this one myself but it's based on a bumper sticker ☺

 photo AUTISM14.gif

 photo Autism-ISeeThePotential.gif

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Walking Challenge Achieved

I mentioned that I received a fitbit in the post the other day.
I have been challenging myself to reach the goal of 10,000 steps.

Last night before I went to bed I had around 300 steps to go. Being so close to achieving this goal and not knowing when I would be able to be this close again I had to do my best to walk just that little bit more. The only thing was it was almost midnight and the steps reset then.
I walked up and down the hallway and into the kitchen until I made it. I had two minutes to spare!

I have to admit though, My right knee is now paying for all of that walking. I seriously don't think I shall be able to make that many steps today. That being said though. I wont sit down and not move today. I just wont be going for a stroll with the boys today. I don't feel like it right now but it's still early yet. Who knows how I will feel later today.

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Tiger Appliqué

Ta Da. The final square is now complete. 
All I need to do is work out what colours I will be using for the border.

I know this is meant to be a tiger but to me it looks just like an every day tabby cat.

You can find the pattern HERE on Ravelry

Saturday, August 22, 2015

I have been spoiled. Thanks Brodz

Look at what Brodie bought for me today when we went out for a walk ♥ Thank you ♥


WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Penguin Appliqué

Fresh off the hook. A teeny little penguin.
It reminds me of Tux the Linux mascot.

You can find the pattern HERE on Ravelry.

Friday, August 21, 2015

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Turtle Appliqué

One more square to go ☺
I am finally getting my crocheting act together. 
It still feels like I am going in slow motion though.

You can find the turtle pattern HERE on Ravelry

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thankful Thursday

 photo ThankfulThursday.jpg

Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • Mark, Brodie and I went out to a ward activity on Saturday night. It was an International Cultural Evening. There was food from different countries, a guess the flags game, dancing and other entertainment. It was lots of fun.
  • I taught my first ever Relief Society lesson on Sunday. I was so nervous I had the shakes. I ran out of time. I think I could have continued the lesson for another half an hour. The sisters afterwards thanked me for the lesson. I am so grateful it went well.
  • my yarn stash. I think I need to slow down with my purchases though (o_0) I am running have run out of storage boxes to keep it all in. I have quite a few skeins living in shopping bags at the moment. 
  • my heater - after a taste of spring over the weekend winter has decided to pop her head back up. I know that Trip has enjoyed the heater being on. I swear if he could climb inside it Trip would be an extremely happy cat!
  • my exercise group, I really enjoy it and I love socialising with everyone there
  • the Diabetes support group I attend. There are so many lovely, friendly people there. We learnt about CDAMS (Cognitive Dementia and Memory Service) on Tuesday. A bit of a depressing topic but it was interesting. I wish my sister Vicki was there. It may have helped her out especially since she is Dads carer.

What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Panda Appliqué

I completed this panda last night. 
I think it's rather cute. I also think that its odd how some of the faces of the animals I make look completely fine and others look like train wrecks. This one is fine. Oh well I should just keep practising.

You can find the pattern HERE on Ravelry.

Video: Chicken Korma with SunRice Basmati Rice Recipe

Chicken Korma with SunRice Basmati Rice Recipe

via YouTube

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Monkey Appliqué

Looking at this monkey it is very clear to me that I still need to work on the embroidery side of things. He reminds me of that old TV show Monkey Magic.

Anyway, you can find the pattern HERE on Ravelry.

Monday, August 17, 2015

About time. My Lincraft order arrived. #blog


Lincraft Order

Finally, after a week and a half my Lincraft​ order (yay more yarn) is due for delivery today. I must say that I am a little disappointed. Their website states that they will process any order within 5 days. Mine wasn't done until a week after I ordered. When I phoned to see how far my order had been processed the woman I spoke with was very abrupt.

Yes I understand that they don't work weekends and that takes up 4 of the last 12 days. I do however expect to be spoken to nicely when on the phone to a business. It's not too much to ask for, right?

I just hope that my order is exactly what I asked for. After checking their Facebook feed I see that there are many unhappy customers posting on their wall.

I'll post photos of my order later once I receive it.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Crochet Slang Terms

I hadn't come across some of these terms before.
I thought that they were pretty good.

I must admit that some of them apply to me that is for sure. 
Especially PABLE and possibly SABLE (not that I really wish to admit that one). 
I think I need to remember these and work them into my conversations (~_o)  

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Video: Running Through Time and Space (Doctor Who Fan Animation)

Running Through Time and Space (Doctor Who Fan Animation)

via YouTube

Video: How to Crochet a Pentagon Juggling/Stress Ball

How to Crochet a Pentagon Juggling/Stress Ball

via YouTube

Video: Cookies and Cream Mini Cheesecakes - RECIPE

Cookies and Cream Mini Cheesecakes - RECIPE

via YouTube

Friday, August 14, 2015

Video: Doctor Who Series 9 Trailer #2

Doctor Who Series 9 Trailer #2

via YouTube

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Ostrich Appliqué

Yay another square down. A few more to go.
I don't know, I don't feel quite as inspired to make this blanket for some reason. I do love how it is turning out but I am not making the squares as rapidly as I normally would. Oh well.
At least I am still hooking, right? ☺

The white in this photo really pops out doesn't it?! And I didn't even use the flash :-/
You can find the patter for the Ostrich HERE on Ravelry

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thankful Thursday

Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • going to exercise group and catching up with the ladies & meeting new members
  • sunny weather
  • spending time with Mark on Monday. We went out to lunch and did some fun shopping
  • the Missionaries from our Church were able to come over for dinner last night. It was so wonderful getting to know them better
  • cooking really yummy meals and everyone appreciates them, always a bonus!

What are you thankful for this week?

Video: Disney Princess Cupcakes w/ Gemma Stafford: Aurora, Belle, Rapunzel, Snow White & Elsa Cupcakes

Disney Princess Cupcakes w/ Gemma Stafford: Aurora, Belle, Rapunzel, Snow White & Elsa Cupcakes

via YouTube

Video: Marbled Disney Princess Cupcakes w/ Cookies, Cupcakes and Cardio

Marbled Disney Princess Cupcakes w/ Cookies, Cupcakes and Cardio

via YouTube

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Lion Appliqué

Another square complete.

I still believe that this lion looks a little bit like Winnie the Pooh wearing a flower ☺☺
You can find the lion pattern HERE on Ravelry.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Giraffe Appliqué

Another square complete.

I think I am getting a little better with creating faces. Well at least on this giraffe anyway ☺

You can find the pattern HERE on Ravelry.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Video: Easy to Crochet Romanian Point Lace Cords Tutorial 95

Easy to Crochet Romanian Point Lace Cords Tutorial 95

via YouTube

Sunday, August 09, 2015

What a Crochet Addict Thinks About

Seriously though I have so many patterns that I don't think I will ever get through them all in my lifetime. However, that being said, it is nice to collect them ♥ ☺☺☺ ♥

Video: Left Hand: Tunisian Rib Stitched Hat

Left Hand: Tunisian Rib Stitched Hat

via YouTube

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Friday, August 07, 2015

Video: David Bowie - Let's Dance (Official Video)

David Bowie - Let's Dance (Official Video)

via YouTube

WIP - Crochet - Zoo Blanket - Elephant Appliqué

I finally got one of the squares done on the zoo blanket.
I think the elephant turned out pretty good ☺

You can find the link to the pattern HERE on Ravelry.

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Video: Captain Picard Dancing and Singing on the bridge (good quality)

Captain Picard Dancing and Singing on the bridge (good quality)

via YouTube

Thankful Thursday

Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • my gorgeous husband. I have no idea why he loves me but I am ever so grateful that he does.
  • being asked to teach a lesson in Relief Society. I'm not sure if I am a little bit thankful and a lot scared or maybe even the other way around. Or just both. I've not taught a group of adults since I was studying to be a teacher and we had to lead tutorials. It's not until the 16th anyway so I have a bit of time to get my act together.
  • remembering to take my medication. I have to take it several times a day and I do not always remember to take my panadol osteo. It's not vital that I take it but it sure does help.
  • quiet time. You have no idea how much I enjoy the time that there isn't anyone else awake or at home. It's so nice to have things be so peaceful.
  • my crochet, not that I have done a lot this week
  • being able to talk to someone about the stuff that is going on at home. It helps to talk things over. Not that I can talk about everything but the stuff I can talk about helps.
What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Video: Uptown Funk Sung by the Movies

Uptown Funk Sung by the Movies

via YouTube

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Video: Fatboy Slim - Weapon Of Choice [Official Video]

Fatboy Slim - Weapon Of Choice [Official Video]

via YouTube

Video: Slow Cooked Mongolian Beef - RECIPE

Slow Cooked Mongolian Beef - RECIPE

via YouTube

Monday, August 03, 2015

Video: Seasoned Roast Potato Bites - RECIPE

Seasoned Roast Potato Bites - RECIPE

via YouTube

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Video: Queen & David Bowie - Under Pressure (Classic Queen Mix)

Queen & David Bowie - Under Pressure (Classic Queen Mix)

via YouTube

Video: John Williamson - Rip Rip Woodchip

I remember this song from when I was a teenager. It was a catchy protest song about the logging being done in Tasmania at the time.

John Williamson - Rip Rip Woodchip [Official Video]

via YouTube