
Sunday, August 31, 2014

8th Day A Week

I have to admit when I thought about an eighth day in each week I thought of this Beatles song.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Crochet - Panda Applique Square

I finally managed to do a little bit of crocheting the other day. Not that much though because it was still a little bit painful. I finished off the nose, arms and feet of the panda on Wednesday and I sewed them together on Thursday. 

My hand has been a bit sore since Wednesday and I have decided that I should give crocheting a bit of a rest for a while. I don't want to undo my healing progress so far. It looks like I might be going back to my crosswords for a while longer.

I do need to get a wriggle on with this zoo blanket. My niece has 8 weeks to go until her due date. I want it finished long before her baby arrives. I am hoping that my hand is up to doing some more crocheting soon.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Shopping Online Again

I've been buying more stuff on ebay. Not that much mind you. Only a few craft supplies. I bought this bag of DMC thread. I'm not sure if I will use it when I start applique again or whether I should maybe start up cross-stitch again.  I haven't decided yet. 

There are 50 skeins of thread in 50 different colours. 
I'm thinking perhaps that cross-stitch may be the way to go. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • sunshine
  • not needing to take any pain killers for my hand ☺ that's always a bonus
  • the boys have continued to wash the dishes after tea. I really appreciate that.
  • for being able to do a small amount of crocheting 
  • milder weather
  • foggy starts to the day which turn into lovely sunny afternoons
what are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Finally! I Am Hooking Again.

I decided that today was the day I was going to pick up my crochet hook again and give crocheting another go. It's been five weeks since my operation. It was time to test how my hand would stand up to doing something fun.

I took this photo yesterday. My hand looks even better today.
I need to complete that zoo blanket I began making for my niece who is expecting bubz number two. I started it before the boys and I went to Adelaide. My nieces baby is due in a month or so. 

Anyway, I managed to do a little bit of crocheting without too much pain in my hand. I have now finished all the pieces for a panda square. All I need to do is sew it all together.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Diabetes Check Ups

Since my GP, Dr F, retired I had to choose a new GP to replace him. There are about 7 doctors in the clinic where I go but only some of them were taking on new patients. They get very, very busy there. Anyway, I chose my replacement. He is actually one of the main partners of this clinic, Dr C. I've gone in with Brodie a few times and he has been excellent with him and how explains things so I chose him as well.

Of course like with any new GP, any good one at least, when I went in to see him Monday morning and said that I needed to get my HbA1c level checked he said that I should go get all of my other check ups done as well if I hadn't had them done already this year. Naturally he also made me get on the scales. The one thing I dread doing all the time. I much prefer his scales than the ones at home. I am at least 1 and a half kilos lighter on his scales.

Surprisingly I managed to get in to see the podiatrist Monday afternoon. Let me first mention that I hate my feet. I have psoriasis in my nails and they just look plain horrible. It's good to know that the podiatrist didn't care. I suppose he sees worse nails than what I have. He even smoothed out the nails for me. It was almost like having a pedicure (~_o). I had all the checks done: pulse, touch etc. I was then told that my feet were fine. He did give me a few tips on keeping them in good condition. No running around barefoot not even indoors (arghh there goes my barefooted summer), clean between the toes with metho to keep them dry and moisturise the feet every day (not between the toes though). He also suggested that I invest in a mirror that I can place on the floor/wall so that I can check the bottom of my feet more easily. If I remember to look for a mirror when I go shopping I'll grab one. Result from podiatrist - ALL GOOD see you in 12 months.

I went to see the Optometrist on Tuesday. Adam was a bit surprised to see me so soon. I explained that my new GP wanted to be up to date on all of diabetes checks so I needed to come in earlier than expected. No problem. Adam thought it was a good idea that Dr C wanted to know. Anyway, after many drops in the eyes, a brief read from the charts with and without the glasses on, a couple of photos of my eyes and the removal of two misbehaving eyelashes that were growing towards the eye I have another ALL GOOD report and we will see you in 18 months because you are doing the right things and controlling your BGL's.

I love hearing such good things from my Diabetes health team. It means I am on the right track. Let's hope that my GP thinks the same thing when he gets all the reports.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • being able to go Visiting Teaching - it was nice to get out of the house to socialise with some of the sisters from Church
  • that my hand (the scar at least) is looking good - it wont be long until my hand will look like it wasn't even operated on
  • sunny days
  • being able to hang the washing outside - weird I know but I didn't have the strength to hold wet clothes and peg them out
  • getting good news from the podiatrist and the optometrist. I had my yearly diabetes check up this week
  • being busy - it has helped the week go by a lot faster
  • being another day closer to the new Doctor Who season. Roll on Sunday!! 
What are you thankful for this week?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Coloured Thread

I may not be able to crochet at the moment but it doesn't mean I cannot add to my yarn stash ☺

I bought these coloured threads off ebay all the way from the UK. I cannot believe it was cheaper to purchase them overseas than it is here in Australia. Including postage it works out to be about $1.27 per ball. I can't wait to try and make something with these. I just love the colours.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

I Get By

I am definitely missing my crochet at the moment but it doesn't stop me from looking at or buying new supplies ☺☺☺

snagged from Facebook

Friday, August 15, 2014

Depression and Suicide

Earlier this week an amazing actor and comedian, Robin Williams, lost his life. He had been battling depression. Depression can be such a hard thing to deal with. I personally know how hard it is to deal with depression. I also know how difficult it is to deal with the loss of a loved one through suicide. I lost a brother that way.

It doesn't matter who the person is whether it is a celebrity or the average Joe Blow who takes their own life. Someone, somewhere always manages to judge them and call them selfish for their actions. I personally believe that unless you have been in their shoes or have suffered from depression yourself how can you possibly know what they were thinking at the time? I believe it says more about the person who made the statement than the person who died.

RIP Robin Williams. 

If you are struggling with depression yourself. Please don't think you are alone. Talk to someone, anyone. You don't need to go through this by yourself.

If you need help please phone Lifeline 13 11 14

or contact Beyond Blue 1300 224636

R U OK - a conversation could change a life. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Here's what I am thankful for this week:

  • being able to wash my hair on my own
  • driving - short distances are fine but long distances tend to make my hand ache
  • bio oil - I have finally found something that helps keep my hand moist/supple where the incision was made. It's been drying out so much and it's been very annoying
  • kids that are still willing to take turns washing the dishes
What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


stress ball
Angus let me borrow one of his stress balls, well the only one he was able to find, so that I can try and build up the strength in my hand. The surgeon did suggest I use a stress ball when I saw him last week. Anyway, I tried using it last night. I had such a hard time trying to squeeze that thing. I just really don't have the strength to squish it. I'm thinking I may need to look for one that is a lot softer and work my way up to the one Angus let me use.

I know I shouldn't have but I tried to do a teeny bit of crocheting to see how my hand would go. I only did about a dozen stitches when I decided that I need to put my hook down for a bit longer. However, I am wondering if I would be able to knit. I only need to hold the needle with my left hand. It's not like I would be moving it about a lot. Hmm, just a thought.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Stupid Hand

At least my hand is healing nicely.
It looks a little bit better than this photo
that I took on Saturday.
I know that Mark, Brodie and Angus have been very helpful since my surgery and I am very grateful for that. However, there are many things about the house that need doing that are just being neglected. Things like sweeping and mopping the floor, cleaning the bathroom basin and the toilet. I don't know whether I should ask for these jobs to be done or wait until they notice *rolls eyes*.

This morning I thought I would wash the towels and hang them out. That was all good. I washed them and placed in the basket to take outside. Only thing is I wouldn't open the door with my left hand while the basket was balanced on my right hip and being held with my right hand. Silly me hurt myself trying to open the door :'(

I know what you are thinking I could have asked for help but Brodie is at base (day services at Yooralla) Angus was asleep (he has a migraine he is trying to get rid of) and Mark was in his shed talking on his radio. I wasn't going to interrupt him. I did earlier when I got him on the intercom he seemed a little abrupt when I spoke with him, it was probably just me reading something into it that just wasn't there so I didn't ask him for help with the washing.

Anyway, the washing is out on the line. The basin is now clean as is the mirror and also the toilet. My hand however is now aching a little more than it was earlier. Stupid hand! I just want it to heal and to regain my strength. I couldn't even open up a packet of twisties yesterday. It's ridiculous. I hate having to rely on everyone to do stuff when I just want to do it myself.

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Faux Cable Gloves - Crochet Video

I was on Facebook this morning when I a post from bobwilson123 about her newsletter and some cable gloves. I was intrigued enough to go have a look. I love Clare's videos. She has a great way of teaching and making things look easy. It's a long video but worth the look ☺

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Here's what I am thankful for this week:

  • getting my stitches out yesterday - it didn't hurt any where near as much as I thought it would, yay!
  • children who are getting really good at cooking
  • being able to type with two hands again. I am not very good at typing one handed.
  • my gorgeous husband 
  • crossword puzzles 
  • ebay - I bought some lovely, bright and colorful crochet thread. Hopefully by the time it arrives at the end of the month (it's coming from England) my wrist may be okay enough to crochet again
What are you thankful for this week?

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Things I Have Learned

I have learned a few things since I have had my surgery. Things I have learned about myself and my family.

  • the boys are pretty good at helping in the kitchen. 
  • both of the boys are becoming more confident with their cooking skills
  • Angus is good at vacuuming
  • I still have trouble asking for help. Just call me Little Miss Independent or Little Miss Strong-Willed (Mark prefers to call me stubborn. Strong-willed sounds nicer)
  • Jars are almost impossible to open
  • I am getting better at using my cutlery. Holding a knife and a fork was very difficult a week ago. 
  • Opening & closing shampoo and conditioner bottles was a nightmare. It's very difficult to hold the bottle and try to squirt out just the right amount of liquid on to your hand.
  • Mark is very good at doing the yucky stuff like changing bandages and cleaning wounds.
  • Mark shakes his head at me a lot, especially when I don't ask for help.

Monday, August 04, 2014

Wrist Update

Mark and I took the 'band-aid' off my hand on Thursday because I accidentally got it wet in the shower. I was a BIG scaredy cat when it came to taking the tape off. I was worried it would hurt and that I would make it bleed. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. 

Not the best thing to look at is it?
After washing away the dried blood with warm salty water my hand didn't look too bad and it didn't hurt like I thought it might. Thankfully most of the bruising has gone now. We redressed it with some gauze and fixomull dressing. I just want to keep the stitches clean and covered. 

I hadn't put my rings back on my finger because they were still bruised and a little swollen until today. It feels a little odd wearing them again. There's still a lot of stuff that I am unable to do but I am slowly getting the strength back in my hand. I still need lots of help about the place and Mark & the boys have been great. I am itching to get back into crocheting but I don't want to over do it. For now I shall stick to the crossword puzzles.

I go back to see the surgeon this week, on Wednesday. I am NOT looking forward to getting the stitches out. I am worried it will hurt. As I mentioned earlier I am a scaredy cat!

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Saying Yes To Happiness

Sometimes you have to learn to say no and it's not always as easy to say as you may think. I am slowly getting better at it though.

snagged from Facebook

Friday, August 01, 2014

Antarctic Blast

Yesterday we had some very wild and windy weather. Today is pretty much the same only much, much colder. I think the cold front that came through must have brought some super cold air from the antarctic, it is that freezing. 

We had wind gusts over 90 kph (55+ mph) I live in the red area near Warragul.
There were so many downed trees crashing on to cars on the road or in car parks. It was very unsafe to be outside. I don't think today is much better. 

I got this info from our ISP who has a weather station on the roof of their building in Warragul. No wonder it is COLD.
I am going to turn up my heater a little bit more and try to warm up.