
Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Win ..

I think I have worked out a way to get around the fact that Angus hates me taking photos of him & sharing them. I take photos and make them look like a cartoon or something not realistic. So far so good, he hasn't complained (yet).

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Paper Camera

Mark bought an app from google play for his mobile phone called Paper Camera. There's a QR Code at the bottom of the post if you're interested in the app.

I liked the app so much that I got it for my phone too. It was on special at the play store as part of the 25 Billion download celebrations. I don't think its on special any more but it is worth getting.
As you will see from all the photos of my beautiful models that the app makes photos look like cartoons.

Hmmph! You are NOT taking a photo of me Mum! 
Angus was such a grump so I only managed to get one photo of him. I must remember to "sneak" some more photos of him later. 

Sleeping Beauty

I really like this one. Brodz and his new Stitch toy.

I love the sepia tones

Paper Camera

Friday, September 28, 2012

Finished Item - Crochet Slippers

The other day I wasn't sure what I was going to crochet. That was until I realised that my feet were feeling VERY cold! What can a girl make when her feet are cold? Slippers of course! I did a quick search (using my new phone ~ I love that thing) and found a nice easy pattern over at Zoom Mummy by Petra.

My finished slippers were looking  little plain so I jazzed them up with some flowers (~_~) I think it sets them off.  Now to think about my next project ....

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • that someone took Rory to the vet. Even though the outcome was one that we didn't want someone was thoughtful enough to take our cat to the vet after he had been hurt instead of leaving him somewhere to die. I really dislike the thought of never knowing what happened to him.
  • that Mark was so sweet and cheeky by surprising me with a new phone ♥♥
  • that we found out our neighbours dog was responsible for what happened to Rory. Our neighbour was devastated to find out that it was one of her dogs. She even offered to have her dog put down. Gosh no, there was no point in two families being upset through the loss of much loved pets. I could see that she was hurting enough as it was. 
  • C.K. is spending more time inside now that Rory isn't around to pester him. I think he knows I would like him around more often.

What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I Was Given The Universe .. Well A Galaxy .. Sort Of

I got the best surprise yesterday morning after the postie, Luke, had been to our home. I knew Mark was getting a new phone. He had ordered a Galaxy SIII and I was going to get his old phone. Which was fine by me as my old LG Optimus wasn't holding charge even with a new battery. I wasn't able to save much data on it or install many apps due to the size limitation (only 139 MB of storage was available to use) and I was unable to install things to the memory card. I was constantly needing to delete data to make room. I was very happy to get Mark's old phone because it could do things mine could not. Like save to the memory card.

Mark's new phone arrived and he brought me his old phone so that I could start 'making it mine' by adding the SIM card and the SD card. There I was beginning to set it up and Mark walks over to me holding a box all wrapped up in pretty paper and a card to go with it. Imagine my surprise when I open it to find that Mark had bought me a brand new Galaxy Nexus and a pretty purple cover to protect it. The cheeky thing!

I was glad that I had something to distract me yesterday afternoon. I was busy installing apps and playing (~_~) it's nice to know that I wont run out of space on this phone. Well not in a hurry anyway. There's 16 GB of storage with 1 GB of memory! The camera in it is pretty good too. I managed to sneak a photo of Brodz and a pic of Angus (who willingly let me take a photo). Those two are so camera shy. I wonder where they get that from ... it has nothing to do with a girl who used to hide behind doors and things because she didn't want her picture taken. Nope nothing to do with that at all!!

How gorgeous are these two boys?? Don't tell them I posted pics of them here though. They wont be happy with me.

Well I'm off to hang out some washing and hopefully get it dry before the weather changes. Then I am off to play with my phone and do some crocheting once I work out what I am making next.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

RIP Bubbalou

We had a phone call from the vet about an hour ago. Someone had taken our Rory in. He had been attacked by a dog.
Mark & I went straight to the vets to see how bad things were. The poor thing had so much damage done to him. The vet was not very hopeful at all and said that it would be touch and go. That she would try to save him if she could. Rory was unable to move his back legs and his breathing was very laboured even though they had an oxygen mask on him he was still gasping for breath. The vet said it was like he had been picked up and shaken. Rather than have him suffer Mark said to put him down.
Of course I am a total wreck. My poor baby Rory. He wasn't even 11 months old yet. No more lovely (and dying) flowers and leaves will be left on the floor. No more snuggles under the covers with me. My poor Rory. He was such a cutie.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Finished Item - Baby Cardi

I've been busy this evening finishing of a baby cardigan I started this afternoon. All I need to do is sew on the buttons then try and work out what I'll be making next.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Little Bit Patchy

This is the patch for Marks vest that  I have been working on. It looks a bit crooked :(
Mark hasn't seen it finished yet. Cross your fingers that he likes it.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Latest Crochet Creation

Here's my latest finished project. Another cute (well I am biased) little baby cardigan. The pattern was from Just Crochet (yes I know I use Heather's patterns a lot but they are easy for me to follow)

I am working on a new item for Mark. He had a patch on the back of this vest he loves wearing and wanted to replace it. He asked me to make something up for him similar to the cover I made for his Galaxy Tab. Mark initially wanted me to sew something *eeeek* but then he suggested I crochet it *phew* what a relief that was. Mark is much more likely to get me to crochet it than sew it. I've only started the background at the moment. I'll share some photos once I'm finished.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

Angus and I went to his school this morning for Parent/Teacher/Student interviews. I honestly don't know why this kid stresses out so much before we go to these things. The teachers always have something positive to say about him. Things like what a nice polite boy he is and how he can do the work when he focuses on it. The only negative things I hear is that he is a bit of a social butterfly and at times he would rather talk with his mates instead of focusing on the work. He also need to submit all of his work, whether he has finished it or not, so that it can be graded. 
Stress less kiddo and do the work. You'll be fine (~_~)

This mornings floral collection from Rory. 

Look at what I found inside when Angus and I got home. Of course these 'flowers' were not neatly piled together but spread throughout the lounge room. My guess is Rory either missed us and wanted to surprise us when we got home or that he was extra hungry and wanted more food. I'm tending to believe he was extra hungry.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • being able to travel to Lakes Entrance for Sean & Sheryl's wedding and that we did so safely
  • even though Angus has been very unwell this week with a horrid head cold I am grateful for his company and that he didn't have the flu. My poor baby it's really knocked him about
  • my cats. I've been getting lots of snuggles from C.K. and Rory. There's nothing quite like snuggling with your cat(s) ♥♥
  • my crochet ~ although I haven't done a lot of crocheting this past week I am glad that it helps me keep my hands busy. I really dislike watching TV and not doing anything with my hands.

What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Always Knew They Were Stars

Rascal Flatts received a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame this week. 
I always knew these guys were special!!

♥♥ I've loved their music for over a decade ♥♥
I am so glad they've been recognised for their talent.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Shhh I'm Hunting Wabbits ..

Rory's collection of leaves this morning
Rory has been hunting again. His collection slowed down over the weekend. I was thinking it was because we weren't home but I have now come to realise that his hunting skills improve when he is hungry. It's just after 10am and Rory wants some morning tea! I guess he didn't get enough food for his breakfast this morning. I wish this kitty would eat the dry food like the other cats do but nope he prefers tins or pouches the little ratbag!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Steampunk Spectacular ~ Sept 15th

Here's some of the photos I took of the weeding we went to over the weekend. The theme for the wedding was Steampunk. I have to admit everyone who dressed up looked fantastic!

The Bride and Groom

The celebrant was Mark & Sean's younger sister Sally. She flew in from Perth for the ceremony.

Some of the steampunk items they had on display.

The table decorations looked really effective.
The siblings. Can you tell that Mark & Sean are twins? They definitely all look like brothers and sister.

Wedding favours ~ they were cute little heart shaped lollies. I love the old fashioned clocks on the paper.

A kids toy sword decorated as a steampunk accessory.

Angus was given this 'old-fashioned' pocket watch. 
Sally and her other half, Dean.
I was going to post these yesterday but I decided to take the day off (~_~)
We had Sally & Dean stop by for a visit yesterday afternoon before they headed off to Melbourne. I'm not sure but I think they fly home today. It was really nice catching up with her.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

All dressed up

I almost forgot to post today but I did have time to take a photo ... I'm all dressed up and off to a wedding. Mark's twin is getting married tonight so we're about to head off.
Hopefully I will have some photos to share tomorrow.

Friday, September 14, 2012

My Favourites Made It, Well Most Of Them

I've been watching X-Factor again this week and I am so pleased that some of my favourite singers got through to the live shows. I can't wait for the live shows to start to see how they go.

It broke my heart when I saw this next segment and one of my faves was sent home but I was also please that the other one got through.

I love how Vendulka said this is not the last of me and I truly believe that we will see more of her.

My faves who made it: Angel Tupai, Shiane Hawke, Bella Ferarro, Jason Owen, Josh Brookes and Samantha Jade. So much talent and so many favourites. I'm going to be a wreck when it comes to the elimination shows.

Here's a video of Jason and his first audition. He has such a country feel to his voice but that's because he is a country boy. Jason is amazing.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

R U Ok? Day

Today is national R U OK? Day.
It's a day set aside each year to help inspire Australians to reach out to family, friends and colleagues and ask them if they are okay. It's all about suicide prevention and awareness. By reaching out and asking you can make a difference in someones life.
I know what it is like to lose a family member from suicide. It truly is hard for those left behind.
So start a conversation by asking R U OK it can make all the difference in the world.


Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • nice weather. It's been really good to get the washing dry in one day rather than needing to wait several days for it to dry on the line
  • being able to spend some time with Mark. We went out shopping for a wedding present for his brother & future sister-in-law
  • pain killers - they've come in handy this week with my back & arm playing up a bit. It's kind of put me off my crocheting but only a teeny bit
  • Angus - he's been getting stuck into his homework for English. I just hope that he pays just as much attention to his other subjects but at least he is getting the work done.
  • good doctors - Brodz has been seeing a psychiatrist for the past month and it's made a bit of a difference. In a good way too (~_~)
What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Science And Cooking

I was checking out a post on the Internet Chefs sight this afternoon. She shared a video on how to separate the yolk and the egg white. I thought why would someone want to share a video on that but I checked it out anyway. I've not tried it but it does look super easy .. take a look. 
The 'scientist' in the video isn't speaking English but you don't need to know what they are saying.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Catch Of The Day

Yesterdays morning haul of leaves.

Last week I mentioned how Rory has been hunting and bringing in his catch for me to see. I believe for some strange reason he wants to get some loving and praise from me. He is VERY vocal when he comes inside with his prize. There's a certain miaow that he does when he as something to share. Maybe its because he has a mouthful of leaves and is unable to do his normal quiet miaow.

The catch of the day

Rory is truly my cat. He knows exactly what to bring his mama. Flowers. Dead and decaying but they are still flowers. That's my boy!! 

Totally pooped

It's been a hard day "hunting" those poor defenseless leaves. They never stood a chance with this ferocious hunter! Rory has earned an afternoon nap!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Finished Item - Angel Top

Ta Da! I finished the little crocheted top I started last week. 
I love how it turned out.

I know it's meant to be a top but I think it could be a dress too (~_~)

The pattern is by Heather from Just Crochet

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Weird Kitty

C.K. chilling on the bed

There's a standing joke at our place about how well the cats would feed us if we had to eat them as dim sims (dim sims are an Aussie invention based on Chinese dumplings) or as a meal in general. Sad I know but it's just in fun. We would never EVER under any circumstances hurt our cats. We just love them way too much for that.

Our cats are such fuss pots when it comes to eating that I feel they eat better than we do most days. C.K. has developed an unusual taste for soy sauce. When Mark has noodles and takes the bowl to the shed he often leaves the bowl on the desk when he's finished. C.K. has decided that he is going to lick the bowl. My guess is he is self-marinating. Yep I know roll your eyes but you have to see the funny side of things, right?

Saturday, September 08, 2012

What's On The Hook

Angel Top by Just Crochet
This is what I've been working on for the past couple of days. Another little baby outfit. I'm in two minds as to whether I should send this off to my niece, Lee-Anne, for little Ellie-Rose or whether I should keep it and add it to other baby items I've made to eventually pass on as part of Knit4Charities. Hmm maybe I should just make two ...

Friday, September 07, 2012

The Voice Of An Angel

I've been watching x-factor again this week. The talent on this show is truly amazing! This week it was super boot camp. Where the numbers were cut down to the top 24 acts. All of my favourite girls managed to get through.

I think one of the best singers in this years competition is Angel Tupai. This girl is perfectly named. She has a voice of an angel and she is only 19. Even if she doesn't win this competition I believe she definitely has star quality and will be signed up for a record deal or two.

Here are a couple of the songs she sang.

Now all I have to do is wait until next week to see if some of my favourites make it to the live shows.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Thankful Thursday


Here's what I am thankful for this week:
  • spring weather ~ perfect for getting the washing dry and I got a lot of washing done (~_~)
  • my boys ~ when they get along with one another. It's been nice to see them co-operating and being nice
  • my DVR (Digital Video Recorder) ~ why to TV stations insist on showing all the good stuff on the telly at the same time? At least I can record shows to watch later and without the commercials
  • Doctor Who starts back this weekend ~ I know that this is an odd one to be thankful for but I ♥love♥ that show
  • Rory ~ he's made me laugh so much this past week. He's been "hunting" and bringing in his catch. The trouble is his 'catch' is nothing but a bunch of leaves he's found outside. I guess it's better than birds or mice.
  • that there wasn't more damage in our area from the strong winds we have had for the past 36 hours. We've been very fortunate that there hasn't been anything more than a few broken branches around the place.

What are you thankful for this week?

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

I Miss You Mum

Today would've been my Mum's birthday.  She would've been 84.
Mum has been gone for almost 12 years now and I still miss her a lot.

There have been time were I wished I could just phone her and get her advice or stop at Mum & Dad's place to have a meal. She cooked the BEST roasts ever and her apple pies were to die for! 

Mum had a production line with three of us girls (Vicki, Kylie and I) preparing and cooking Mum's apple pie recipe. The pies were amazing. Sadly though I have not made them since. 

I love you Mum

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Finished Crochet Items

Here's what I was working on late last week. 

I had made some face washers for my Dad. I used the softest cotton yarn that I had. 
I posted them off to him late Wednesday afternoon and they arrived on Friday afternoon. I was a bit surprised when he told me on Sunday that he already had them. Considering how late I had posted them I thought that he wouldn't get his gift until this week.

I also made a couple of soap holders. One for Brodie and one for Angus. 
I'm hoping that they might encourage my stinky teens to actually use soap when they shower. I just don't understand why teenage boys don't use soap when they shower. I just don't get it *sigh*