
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Back Into A Routine

After yesterday's posts I wanted to have a bit more of a 'normal' day. Well maybe not normal because we all know that there is no such thing as normal. Maybe I should say that I wanted a day that had a more familiar routine & feel to it.

I managed to get the washing done & hung out. Last nights dishes were finally washed (I didn't do them last night before heading back to the hospital & the boys didn't think to do them for me) and I put dinner into the slow cooker. All while Mark slept. I wasn't going to wake him. Not after yesterday.

He looked much better when he finally got out of bed. I haven't really asked him how he feels but I am sure that he would tell me if he wasn't feeling well. (Apparently I did ask Mark how he felt I just forgot that I had - call me an air head! lol)

I haven't managed to knit or crochet anything for the past few days. Mainly because I hadn't felt like it but also because I didn't have the wool (well acrylic yarn) I wanted to make those cute little Hedgehogs from that book I bought on the weekend. I did manage to sew up these fingerless gloves that I had made for Brodie (I made a pair of these for Angus a while ago, well not the same type but similar) .

The pattern I had was different to the ones I made & were a lot smaller too so I had to adjust it. The pattern was for double crochet stitches (US single crochet) and I thought that was a bit too plain. So I tried jazzing it up a little with half trebles (US half double crochet) and double crochet stitches. I must admit that it looks much nicer than what the photos show.

Brodie loves them. He's the hand model by the way. I think they look pretty good. I may even make a pair for myself but not until I have made a hedgehog or two. I finally got the white & pale pink yarn I needed to make them.


PoetessWug said...

"Normal" feels pretty good sometimes, doesn't it?! :-)

CinLynn Boutique said...

Glad to hear that hubby is better and home. Nice gloves too! I can't wait to see the hedgehog! LOL

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Poestess, yes 'normal' is a wonderful thing :)

Thank you CinLynn. Brodie wore his new gloves all evening. I guess that means he really likes them!
I made a start on one of the hedgehogs tonight. I'll take some photos some time tomorrow once it has grown a little :)

Tati said...

Those are cool! I love gloves like that :)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Tati :)