
Monday, March 07, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Hosted by Java @ Never Growing Old
37th Edition


1. What is your favorite way to eat potatoes?
2. What was the last package that was delivered to your house?
3. What is your favorite scent that you love to smell?
4. Do you smoke?
5. Are your parents married or divorced?


My Answers!

1. What is your favorite way to eat potatoes?
With a fork. I'm not a huge fan of potatoes but Angus is! If I had to choose it would be KFC's potato & gravy.

2. What was the last package that was delivered to your house?
It was a little itsy bitsy blue-tooth dongle that Mark bought on ebay. It arrived this morning.

3. What is your favorite scent that you love to smell?
I have two favourites. Its freshly baked bread and the smell of rain on a warm day.

4. Do you smoke?
No but I reckon my boys may think smoke comes out of my ears when I get really ticked off with them though.

5. Are your parents married or divorced?
My parents were still married when Mum passed away a little over 10 years ago. Had she still been alive they would have celebrated 57 years together this year. Mum told me they were married in 1953 but I know they weren't. She & Dad got married in 1957 a few months after my sister Julie was born. But we'll keep that quiet between us okay because I don't want to embarrass my Dad, not that he nor any of my family ready my blog ...


Rebecca Mecomber said...

Great answers! I like the one about smoke out of your ears, LOL.

I played, too! I hope you can come visit. Have a wonderful week. :)

Rebecca @

Shawn said...

I love the cartoon of smoke coming out of the guys ears! very nice picture of your parents!
Happy Monday!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Rebecca :)

Thanks Shawn. That was the only photo I knew I had of my parents together that was on the computer. It was taken back in the late 1950's or the early 1960's. They sure looked happy there :)

Sandra Nachlinger said...

LOVE your photos. That basket of bread made me almost reconsider cinnamon as my favorite scent. I also enjoyed your creative interpretation of the "do you smoke?" question.

Thanks for your comment on my blog, too. (

PoetessWug said...

You're not a fan of potatoes?!!! WOW! I think potatoes are "the other white meat"!!! LOL I LOVE them ANY way they're made!!...Bread, on the other hand, I can take it or leave it. I'm not bread's biggest fan...even though my hubby works for "THE" bread company here. Shhhhhh! ^_^

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Sandy Ruth. Cinnamon is such a great smell :)

Poetess, I think you and Angus would get along just fine! He thinks potatoes are the BEST vegetable ever! I love bread and bread rolls but it can't be plain old white bread (unless its got poppy seeds or sesame seeds). I love breads with the different seeds, sour dough, wholemeal, pumpkin bread, corn bread. I could go on and on. Its all yummy! And the fresher the better :)

Mary said...

Bread baking and the rain...2 wonderful smells! I especially love the way the rain smells in the mountains...everything smells so clean and fresh!
Thanks for stopping by!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

You are absolutely right Mary. Rain in the mountains smells very refreshing!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your lovely mum, that's a gorgeous photograph. 57 years is a long time, but 47 years is also. My dad died nearly 10 years ago and it causes a lot of emptiness inside.

Also, I love KFC gravy with chips!!

Found you on Meet Me On Monday.

CJ xx

jengd said...

Good point about smoking- I think with that I must be a chain smoker! :)

Jo-anne Blossy said...

47 years sure is a long time Crystal Jigsaw. I know what you mean about the emptiness. Although that feeling has lessened somewhat over time but its still there.
Oh and dunking the chips from KFC into the potato & gravy is delicious!

jengd I am sure I must have looked like that at one stage myself :)

Kate Campbell said...

Smoke coming out of your ears - lol.

Anonymous said...

KFC does have some good mashes. Happy Monday!

Unknown said...

I too love the smell of rain on a warm day - that special damp dust smell =)

Empty Nester said...

My parents would have been married 50 years last October...had they bothered to stay married. Love your smoke reference! LOL

Vicki said...

Great answers! I love the smell of fresh baked bread too ... cookie and well, probably most baked goods. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.
Have a great week!

Lila said...

Ha smoke comes out of my ears too (I am sure of it)lol.

Happy Monday.

Unknown said...

with a fork! now that's funny!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Kat, I couldn't help it :D lol

Kia, You know exactly what I mean :)

Thanks EmptyNester.

Vicki, I think I would have to expand that to most baked goods. When Angus bakes a cake it makes the house smell really nice :)

lol Bella perhaps it does :)

Thanks Beverly :)

Stephanie V said...

Hard to keep a good family secret down! Lovely photo - and great answers.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thanks Stephanie V. You're right about the family secret except I think I was the last one to find out. I'm sure all my brothers & sisters knew about it.

Ronalee said...

Great answers. I really enjoy the way that you write.

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Thank you Ronalee :)