
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Day 26 - 30 Day Meme

Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you’ve been to.

This photo was taken when the boys & I travelled on The Overland to Adelaide one year for Christmas. The train was going over the Murray River near Murray Bridge.

I really enjoyed travelling by train. It was much nicer than having to drive the 800kms (5oo miles). There was only ONE major problem. It was before we got the 'official' diagnosis of Brodie having Aspergers & he was a bit of a horror on the train. I got complaints from people saying he was staring at them while they were sleeping. Its very unnerving having someone you don't know watching you sleep.
I vowed that if I ever travelled on the train to Adelaide again I would get a sleeper next time instead of economy. That way we would have a private little room to stay in instead of just the seats with everyone else. Nowadays though I think they only travel during the day. They no longer do the night time trips.

This photo was taken while we were in the Adelaide hills on the way into Adelaide. One of our LONG driving trips. We were visiting Dad for Christmas.

It was an extremely hot summer that year. Lots of days in the 40C (over 100F) range. I recall some days were even 45C. Dad's air-conditioner didn't work and we sweltered. About a week or two after we went back home Dad had a new air-conditioner installed.
Mark & I vowed that we would NOT go to Adelaide again during summer and that we would only travel there during winter!


PoetessWug said...

I enjoyed the pictures and the story. Don't you just love dads...and air conditioning?! ^_^

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Absolutely! Dads are wonderful. And I totally LOVE air-conditioners. We didn't have one in our house mainly because we rent & we don't have the right kind of windows to place the one I had in. So we bought a portable one. It doesn't work quite as well but its better than 45C heat any day!